Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sháyla
Sháyla is a Pop and Indie Record Producer who stands out in this competitive arena as one who produces unique beats and ground-shaking production that allow artists to be set apart. Sháyla is a catalyst for artists owning their sound. Her ability to blend genres, experiment with sounds, and understand the pulse of the industry is beautiful.
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My goal in every mix or master is to make sure that the best qualities are brought out of the music and that the artist is ecstatic!
Cimmerian Audio specializes in underground EDM and Sound Design.
I'm a producer and mixer based at Mercy Sound Studios (Blondie, Cher, Snoop Dog, TV On The Radio, Demi Lovato, Ryan Adams, Ian Brown...). I started in bands as a drummer and guitarist before opening my own studio in the UK. I moved to NYC in 2009 and have worked in studios across the city, and for projects around the world.
Im open to working with artists that are looking to go down the rabbit hole but 30 years of experiance brings the ability to "go there"with purpose and in a focused way !!! plan on taking the RED PILL !!!!
1 Album and 4 EP’s all released
When it comes to mixing and mastering, I am very meticulous and dedicated to my work. While I mainly focus on rap, I have no problem working with other genres.
Five time Grammy award winning percussionist, song writer, and producer. Credits include Snarky Puppy, Ghost-Note, Q-tip, David Crosby, Mark Guiliana, Lalah Hathaway, and more. Recording from an award winning studio in Los Angeles with access to worlds of percussion and sounds for an affordable rate. Great microphones, pre-amps, and acoustics!
Apasionado Creador Multidisciplinario. Con experiencia en Trabajos Audiovisuales de todo tipo, Letras de Canciones, Jingles Publicitarios, Afiches publicitarios, Caratulas para Discos, Edición de Video, Musicalización y Masterizacion. Creaciones únicas, según tus requerimientos y con atención al detalle. ✨¡Hagamos magia juntos!✨
Recent Successes
"Andrew's work was above and beyond what I imagined for my project. I was blown away and speechless when I heard my tracks. I didn't even need to make any changes because he did exactly what I needed. Thanks a million ..."
"Great performance on baritone and tenor sax, both written and improvised parts! Fast turnaround and excellent recording quality. "
"It was an absolute pleasure to work with Ryan on a trumpet topline for a track. He was quick to respond, and quick to deliver the takes, all of which were recorded and played well. He also offered up some alternative ..."
"Victoria is one of the strongest professionals here with an exquisite voice. She have listened to EVERYTHING I said and delivered the vocals we need, accurately, in the matter of just 2 (!!!) days; and it have solved ..."
"Responded to my suggestions quickly and did a marvellous job. Highly recommended "
"It was literally shocking how quickly Kimera turned around a top notch full vocal production in such a very short time. Honestly I was speechless. The record sounded so well put together, I did not have to request a..."
"It's a pleasure to work with David again on my new 2022 music. He has the unique ability to take your idea of the song and add the right instruments and create the right vibe to the song. "
"A very talented person! Very helpful, answers very nicely and professionally! I will definitely go back to him every time! thank you very much."