Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sideral
Hello! I'm Manu Luge. I'm a specialist in composing, producing and recording any type of music that the project you are working on requires. I will work to make this great music you imagine come true.
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More providers:
Webby award winning producer and mix engineer with major placements on Soundcloud, Spotify and Tidal playlists.
Psychedelic beats, Mixing
I'm an expert in vintage approaches of rock/pop (1960's and 1970's - hard/prog/psychedelic/fusion/jazz).
"The Greatest Result without busting the bank"
Professional Bass player. Need a creative bassline with a distinctive tone? Contact us
Levy Production Group is one of the top video production companies in Las Vegas, NV.
I write songs in Spanish with good melodies for Reggaeton, Trap, Pop or any urban genre
We are a band from Catania, Sicily in the deep south of Italy. Our music is composed by all the members of the band and is contaminated by different genres of music. Dance, pop, disco, rock and funk.
Recent Successes
" Mark and Michelle tapped into the heart of a recent song they did for me. The backing track was even more than I'd hoped for.... perfect to my ears....and then to have Michelle's beautiful vocals on the recording....."
"Paul got the job done quickly for me, and it was well done. I will definitely go back to him for a complete song production."
"Excellent voice. He is really versatile, so don't feel like he's limited to his sample. I told him the sound I was looking for and he was spot on! Great quality and turnaround. A pro!"
"Always does great work on lead and bgs. Easy to work with."
"working with Chloé was a true pleasure, she scored the arrangement herself and her tone and timbre is very strong. felt very honoured to put it in the track, thank you "