Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sizzle
Introductory $50 offer for new clients - limited time! Hi-Fi Pop Mixing and Mastering
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I can´t brag about big names, or big figures. Also I don´t have a lot of experience with working remote so hit me up and we´ll figure it out.
Former house engineer at Pogo Studio and current house engineer at Earth Analog. Relentless pursuit of getting the most out of every track that comes my way...from analog warmth and vibe, to digital clarity and sizzle, I take pride in making my clients happy. Certified for Apple Digital Masters, Dolby Atmos, and Audio Engineering Society member.
Audio Mixer as well as certified mastering for iTunes. I work very fast and can create a record quality mix in a short amount of time even with less-than-stellar recordings.
Original, custom, exclusive license jingles, soundscapes for podcasts, YouTube, and commercial projects. Mixing + mastering for jingles, podcasts.
I make, mix, master, and finish your house/techno/tech house tracks to be ready for the charts. With a music production degree, 8 years of experience, numerous charting Beatport tracks, an Ableton certification, and a client list of top international dance labels, I can get your tracks to be unique and blow away the competition.
Tough times create tough people. Right now, I'm working with the toughest independent artists, looking for that industry production they need to cross into that next level. - Sizzle.
I will professionally mix and master your song in any genre
Yo! Abdu here, the Berlin-based music mastermind. I sing, write, and produce tunes hotter than Currywurst on a summer day. Pop, hip-hop, indie, trap, drill, afrobeats, afropop, Latin, you name it, I make it sizzle. Been hooked on afrobeats lately, like seriously obsessed. But I'm down for any genre that gets your booty shaking.
Recent Successes
"I have much respect for Joey's consistency; all orders had the same high quality. His pitch control is the most noticeable part, but the more subtle things like overdubs in the right spots, good timing down to the syl..."
"Awesome work! Exactly the sound i needed. Hopefully again."
"Austin is truly amazing, great artist and producer! Very talent and also have patient. I have nothing but good things to say about him. Simply amazing at what he does. Highly recommend. "
"Austin was great and very helpful all around, I unfortunately just lost inspiration on the track but he still made it sound professional and clean."
"Sean is incredible! worked really hard to get me a duduk piece that sounded wonderful on my track!"
"Excellent Job and also quick turnaround. Thanks!"
"This is the 3rd time I've used Riley as a producer. Simple reason. He's the best. Above & Beyond expectations every single time"
"Rob is the man. He's educated me heavily through his mixes and masters and always takes me past the finish line. This last master I had not a single edit note - he always nails it! "
"Always comes through - with great work when I’m in a crunch - timing is on point !!! "
"Jameema is incredible! She went above and beyond for me for my song. If you are searching for a vocalist who will treat your music with the same care and love as her own, then Jameema is your girl. Amazing songwriter ..."