Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Solo Juan
Beatmaker / Guitarist / Producer / Composer
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Award Winner American Track Music Awards 2017, Bronze Prize Female Vocalist Global Music Award, Laurie Anderson Women in Tech Award, Netflix, Boston Globe, YOHO, Holland International Film Fest
I'm a professional vocalist and songwriter with 15+ years of experience singing and writing and 5+ years of production. My voice has been featured on commercials for major corporations and in songs appearing in major motion pictures. I've worked with hundreds of satisfied clients from over 20 countries. Now serving you on Soundbetter!
I am an experienced music producer with a studio available to work with you on your songs to get to a professional quality in house or remotely. I currently work with writers from publishing companies in the Uk and overseas with releases commercially including New Music Week Friday and also syncs on MTV and other TV shows in the US.
Let’s get your audio to where it needs to be! I will fine tune each and every track and make your vocals cut through the mix!
Megan is a DANCE/POP chameleon vocalist & songwriter. Spinnin', Soave, Armada, and countless other labels in the EDM elite have celebrated her vocals. Together with her A-Team of vocal producers + international writers, Megan is responsible for millions of MONTHLY streams worldwide. You are about to hire an unparalleled recipe for hit making!
Billboard charting and Ascap award winning songwriter!!! Written and produced songs for Giveon, Daya, Noah Cyrus, Sam Fischer, John Legend, India Shawn, Jojo, Louis Thomlison, Keith Urban and more. I am passionate about writing songs as well as the development of an artists trajectory!
Vocal and song focused mixing for the discerning artist! Let's get your music release ready!!
As an expert in audio restoration, sound design, and original music composition, I am your one-stop-shop for post-production audio—delivering clear, polished sound, immersive soundscapes, and music that matches your vision, all mixed to perfection.
Recent Successes
"Very friendly, patient, and has an excellent ear for translating ones vision into their track. MVP. "
"El mejor de todos! su calidad de trabajo es inigualable. Lo recomiendo por siempre. El estara ahi hasta que tengas todo los que necesites sin pensarlo. The best of them all! he does the job well and right done until ..."
"Amanda is extremely, totally professional of she is good at. Say as a producer I asked her for 3 tries of lead vocals. And she gave me 11. Not seven, neither Steven or Evan but eleven! An absolute pleasure collaborati..."
"Jaime has an amazing voice and was super great to work with! I would recommend Jaime to anyone in need of vocals."
"Gabe is a true professional great communication and a great ear for making a track shine. Would definitely use again!"
"This is my 3rd time doing business with Fili and once again, he always delivers high quality mastering and really livens up any track you throw at him!!s He is my go-to man!!"
"Here is the revised review with the addition about Ethan's voice: "Ethan's vocals on 'Midnight Queen' were exceptional. His lead was captivating and emotive, while his background vocals added richness and depth. He..."
"My 3rd time working with Luigi. Will be back for a 4th and onwards - he simply understands your vision. His detailed approach to implementing feedback is a big reason why I like to keep working with him and he is very..."