Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Stockhausen
I am professional classical pianist with an international career. Besides winning few piano competitions, I have also been multi awarded as an artist of the year, mostly for performing contemporary music. I collaborated with many composers helping them to present a referent premiere of their work.
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Mixing and Mastering Engineer
Ivano Giovedì - Freelance Sound Engineer, 48014 Castel Bolognesefavorite_borderfavoriteOver 16 years of experience in music production (recording, editing, mixing and mastering) through several musical genres and credits on major/indie label releases.
I'm a jazz pianist and composer/arranger. I worked as a pianist and arranger with important musicians and international jazz music scene as Markus Stockhausen, Dave Liebman, Ralph Alessi, as well as some important Italian musicians. In my name I recorded six CDs with original compositions plus other important partnerships in other cd.
Mixer/Producer based out Brooklyn, NY
Resident composer and producer at the LadyBug Studio collective, I write and compose scores for movies, video games, TV series and advertisement with a unique blend of modern and classical sounds, as well as create sound effects and program sample libraries.
I'm an R&B artist but often write/record almost any type of song. I've written for EDM producers, KPOP, and have had multiple sessions writing with Atlantic Records. I made it to the top 8 of American Idol and will soon be appearing on an R&B competition show on BET. I have a home studio set-up so writing/recording is quick and convenient
Catalog https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bkin4bk8lvU4mr5ZD_JyOLTvC1d4PwEeG3eBYchOdDs/edit#gid=2047797546
I work with all the major labels in LA doing mixes and recording will have radio ready mix done for you!
Elevate your sound with versatile vocals and/or dynamic harp arrangements!
Recent Successes
"Very determined artist! Bass line delivered on time, very clean sound. She did exactly what I wanted, I truly recommend her if you wanna a strong bass track!"
"This was a first time work with Hill. All went smooth with great communication. And I'm really happy to the outcomes! I'm looking forward to work with him soon again."
"I honestly cannot adequately express just how brilliant Michelle is. She has breathed life and energy into my piece with the most wonderful orchestration. She was very careful to use her experience of working with hig..."
"Amazing guitar recomendable thanks again "
"Malaya is very professional, reliable and nice! She brings great ideas and has an amazing, powerful and flexible voice. She responded very quickly to my request and sent a high quality demo snippet with her proposal! ..."
"Carter is the man. He over-delivered on my expectations. I swear, the guy is a wizard in his beautifully sound studio. Would track with him again in a heartbeat."
"As always, Wes make it sound like god"
"This my 3rd time working with Brandon, he is an incredible guitarist and his knowledge is incredible. Every-time I give a brief of what sort of gtrs I'm looking for he completely nails what I'm looking for. I highly r..."