Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Strongroom Studios
Track your drums today. My name is Hod Sarid I’m a professional drummer working in Israel. I have worked in the music business for many years now and have tracked drums for many artists in Israel and outside of.
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I am an Italian musician, I've always been interested in progressive music, with no boundaries or limitations. I play seven and eight strings guitars, the Chapman Stick, sometimes I try to play piano, keyboards and eventually sing. My main focus is to compose creative music that does not surrender to any commonly accepted standard.
It's all about having the perfect part to your song or performance and I am here to help with that be it on electric, acoustic or bass. As a highly experienced gigging and recording musician I look forward to helping you make your project just how you vision it. Let's make a hit!
Korey is a multi-genre female vocalist specializing in pop, EDM, Christian worship, and country! She has many years of harmonizing and background vocal experience. If you're looking for someone with a unique voice, great prices and easy to work with...look no further! She would love to discuss your next project with you!
Hey, whether you need a complete production, some help writing a hook, just need a hand getting unstuck or you want some help making your lyrics vibey enough to go tik tok viral, I'm your guy! I hope we get an opportunity to work together. Thanks!
Need FIRE Beats or custom beats? GET @ ME!!
Pop/Rock/R&B Guitarist with 15+ years experience | Master of multiple different picking and playing styles/tunings | Here to make everything you have sound better... get it?
Instrumentalist, mixer and sometimes writter of metal songs
Recent Successes
"Honestly the best engineer I've worked with on here! He really cleaned my song up, and made it sound professional. Thanks!"
"Macau is an exceptional producer. He has a good ear for catchy melodies and is extremely detailed in selecting the right sounds for the song we worked on. I’m really grateful to work with him and can’t wait to work on..."
"Well, what can I say! This is the 1st time working with Betty and she delivered flawlessly on everything I asked of her. The track I sent to her was half finished lyrically/melodically and struggling to make sense of..."
"Jessie took our song from a 6 to a 20! She wrote a killer three part harmony virtually on the spot and had usable tracks back to us within a week. Exceeded my expectations by 10x, I would work with her any day of the ..."
"Nacho is a really professional singer and I really recommend to work with him!"
"If I could sum up my experiences working with Sam in three words they would be : encouraging ego-free environment. During our time working together he has supported me through a lot as a friend, collaborator, advisor,..."
"Working with Ziv the second time was a pure joy, this time he mixed and mastered the song that he previously played guitar on. There was some problems with the timing of the stems, witch was my faul, and he fixed that..."
"This is my first time using Garrett's services for mastering and I couldn't be happier. His expert ears and opinion allow him to deliver a properly finished product. My song is ready for distribution, and I will defin..."
"I loved working with Christa: she is extremely focused in understanding your needs and/or concept, she keeps the communication flowing and she composes amazing arias. I'm very happy about the work we did together. I h..."
"Si is a nice guy and very hardworking!"