Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Terrance Peng - Bears May Try to Steal Your Lunch
Internationally Acclaimed NYC-Based Jazz Trumpeter w/ 20+ Years Experience
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Hi! I'm a mixing engineer located at Lima, Perú , nowadays I do mixing works at my mix studio, and records at Enrique Delgado Montes Studios.
BeatTrap is a stable of Producers and Engineers with over 50 years of experience in the music industry. We specialize in Production, Mixing, Mastering, Recording, Remixing. We have a client pool of over 500 clients and are well known in the music industry.
Song not quite sounding the way it is in your head? Well it’s not MixedByBlk
Loftwah The Beatsmiff is a Hip Hop producer based in Australia.
I make your sound so good you can even smell its greatness! I don't sell studio time I sell high vibrations and great experiences!!
Im willing to make all your ideas possibles and all the sounds youre looking for. Music producer, Arrangements & Programming, Guitar&Bass Player.
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Recent Successes
"Working with Sheldon was great. He was very flexible and reviewed my notes and made adjustments to the mix as requested. "
"Professional and precise as always. I'll definitely collaborate with Taylor more in the future! "
"Alex was super fast and easy to work with! his production is KILLER! I sent it to afew labels and it’s currently under negotiation for a label deal thanks to this guy! I’ll Definitely be working with alex again!"
"Larry is the perfect percussion player if it's what you need: Professional, fast and very creative. He owns a huge collection of instruments which will give to a track the final spice impossible to create with samples..."
"Jaz is awesome and definitively one of the best singers I know of. Your one way stop if you need some serious stuff!!"
"Its been a pleasure working with Roy. He was very professional from the start to finish. He communicated well and responded quickly to my messages. He adapted to the the vibe I was looking for and delivered an outstan..."
"It was a pleasure to work with Gabriela. Not only does she have a great voice and ability to harmonize, she also put the right feel into my song with her production talents. Thank you Gabriela!"
"Telalit "Nashville" was a JOY with whom to work! Her Cello Lead & Overdubs turned out to be a beautiful arrangement, with uplifting, complimentary, and exciting musical lines. Telalit did a superb job of composing and..."