Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Thomists
THIS PROFILE IS NOT YET COMPLETE. In the meantime, please contact me for any questions or clarifications you have. I am a bassist and composer with over 30 years of professional experience. I own my own pro-level studio and have won awards for my songwriting and musicianship.
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I am a film composer, scoring-mastering engineer for the film and trailer industry and also work with World Music artists to develop albums and single tracks. I am very specific about getting the best possible sounding results and always expedite my work on time. It has to be an easy and flowing experience for everyone involved.
I offer mixing services that are all about attention to detail and close collaboration with you to get the song you envisioned. I specialize in Hip hop and Pop, but have worked on a few pure RnB records (with the occasional rock song đ¤đ˝). I can be here to guide you, but will mostly follow the direction you see the song going. Letâs make magic!
I play the bass, and I enjoy being creative with it.
Your Music Could Sound Better Individual projects get individual care and attention they deserve! Online mix engineer, send tracks from anywhere in the world.
Passion for songwriting and guitar lead soloing. Have created personal songs where I did songwriting to mastering and publishing; however strength lies in songwriting and soloing.
I'm a mixing engineer with a strong love for all kinds of music. If you have a track, I wanna work with you and make sure you love it as much as I do!! I've worked with songs in rock, punk, pop. If you wanna see what I can do, message me!
Cricut is a brilliant machine that does the ideal job of cutting materials into several designs and shapes.
I specialize in the production & engineering of music and sound design for artists of varying fields. From the visual arts of gaming and film, to the world of podcasts and e-books, I aim to breathe life into your works and creations. As a musician myself, I also engineer songs and albums in the more traditional sense.
Recent Successes
"It was a great pleasure to work with Simon. He did an excellent job on all the instruments as well as with the orchestration and production process. He was open to feedback and patient while we shared different ideas ..."
"Drew was a pleasure to work with! He delivered a great melody and was always quick to respond! Would definitely recommend him!"
"Micah is great to work with and an asset for your project. He truly exceeded all expectations and pushed the mix past what I thought was possible."
"Track after track ! Nice workflow and high quality mixing !! Looking forward to the next songs."
"A real pleasure working with Tom and the results were spectacular! It was quite nice that he took the time to provide a few suggestions about my mix so that in the end he could achieve the best results."
"I've been working with Adam for years for a reason -- the level of quality in his work and his level of professionalism is hard to come by. His attention to detail during the Mastering process is next level! Looking f..."
"Very good mixing engineer. Great communication and attention to detail. All Ben's mixes for us have been focused, clear and top rate. He takes the time to understand the band's vibe and expectations, always getting th..."
"Amazing. He knows how to make the song flow really well especially with the lyrics!!! Juan was extremely helpful to me and tweaked things to my liking to create the lyrics I was looking for in this song that we just m..."