Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Thomas Ramdhan - Fall
Dolby Atmos / Spatial Audio Mix Engineer Stereo Mix Engineer & Mastering Engineer
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Recording Studio at Quebec City Remot Mixing is available at a very low cost Professionnal Studio and equipments Session drummer - more than 30 years of experience
www.secretgrooves.com #hiphop #grime #neosoul
Singer/ Songwriter based in Los Angeles with a Bachelor's degree from Berklee College of Music in Boston. Sultry and unique vocals. Runner up winner for BMI's 18th Annual John Lennon Songwriting Competition. Sings fluently in English, French and Spanish.
Hi there! If you are looking for a fresh and modern Hip-Hop/ Trap sound, please step into my office lol
Huge vocal range. Extreme high notes. And very jentle voice.
After touring for the past 10 years, most recently with singer Maggie Rogers, I've spent my recent time off the road pumping out drum and percussion tracks from my studio in Los Angeles, CA. My mission statement from the studio is to ALWAYS prepare good tones from the source, and to ALWAYS play to the song, never the ego.
Music producer, mix and master engineer and a professional guitarist.
Passionate freelance music producer with over 8 years of experience crafting soulful sounds across diverse genres, from Hip Hop and R&B to Film Scores and Experimental music
Recent Successes
"Thank you, Gerard!! That was another one finished Great track - mix and master! amazing type of work and so careful to detail at all ways. and we going to mix 3rd shot! Peace! "
"Brian nous a concocté un mix pour de l’afro-beat. Il a réalisé un great job. Thanks man"
"There are some major pros on this site and I've been blessed to find the really good ones. However, John is one of the great ones! Professional, patient and amazing work! He's waaaaay to kind."
"This guys is Fire on talent and the way you work with him is so cool and Friendly! The sound you will get is ready to go on the Market and rock it! "
"Talented producer who I highly recommend! There's a reason why I've trusted him with so many of my projects"
"Ken is reliable and will do a killer job on your track to get it radio ready."
"Always top quality work! Highly recommend!"
"Another great job done speedily. Good quality vocals provided for three songs in different styles, showcasing both Josiah's range but also his wider musicality. "