Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Toxic Crow
Artist | Producer | Beatmaker #yosoyeydenmusic #elreydeloscolores
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I do what's needed to be done so as to create value for my clients
Professional service for good price.
Worked with everyone from Starrah and Lil Yachty to diplo and Skrillex
Dead to rights, held for ransom. Chagrin wrought by entanglement, an anatomy of disillusionment. I built a dungeon my own.
I'm a Mixing and Mastering Engineer specialised in Electronic Music composition and Sound Design with 10+ years of experience in the field. Since 2014 I'm active part of Swedish Techno label Hypnus Records on which I release music with my solo project "Feral".
Without music, life would be a mistake.
Dedicated Recording Arts Major, 17 Years of live worship mixing, ear trained to pickup tuning issues in a mix, can take a live recording and make it sound studio quality. No record to small with my expertise I can get the live recording sounding great.
I'm a music composer. Just let me know what is project and I'll give a sound track!
Recent Successes
"Amazing producer! She had it mixed/mastered in no time to exactly how I envisioned it!!"
"Second-time efficiency with JAZ. Musical-side is great job no doubt but what makes Jaz greater is what he can do with the vocals, where to place them etc...Outstanding. "
"Ziv is amazing he elevated the material. and was quick and great to work with can't wait to do more with him!"
"Fire as always fast turnaround and great revisions"
"Fantastic! Not only did Dana reply to my initial message quickly, the turnaround time for the project was extremely quick. The fastest anyone has completed a project with me on SoundBetter. Definitely would work w..."
"Genevieve and the rest of Atlys are amazing to work with. They are extremely professional and give 110% in their performance. The passion and love shows in the music they deliver. I am completely blown away. My track ..."
"Professional and very quick in providing everything he's asked for, but still manages to create a very high level product. Overall, I had a very positive experience."