Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with two pieces for french horn and piano
Composer and musician, inspired and ready to write beautiful music.
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Feel like your song isn't there yet? be it arrangement, editing, mixing, I got your back. I've done it all, around the world, for the top pros. I do all sorts of work with music and sound: recording instruments, producing tracks, writing arrangements, composing beats, mixing, editing, tuning, quantizing, etc, let me know what i can do for you
Recording true acoustic drums
Best UK Female Singer-songwriter nominee BBC Radio 1 and Introducing Spotlight Artist BBC Asian Network One To Watch Resident Artist at The Roundhouse,London Producer and multi-instrumentalist: Grade 8 classical flute, Grade 6 distinction piano, Distinction Jazz flute Tracks of the Month, BBC Radio London, BBC R1, BBC Asian Network, BBC Radio 6
Recording Engineer specialized in Audio for Image, an excellent Sound Designer, Mixer for TV series and Mastering broadcast to air . Protools specialist - Consider among his colleagues and TV series Producers as an excellent mixer of audio for image, and the on air results that charlie generates are of superb quality for on-air purposes
A-list touring playback engineer, mixer and producer
Pop production with a fresh and modern sound, worked with many artists across many genres.
Recent Successes
"Texas was great! Very timely and created a great product that I plan on using in the near future. Definitely would recommend! "
"Super knowledgeable. Was exactly what I needed."
"Leo is the best! Dependable, professional, tasteful and friendly! Couldn't ask for more!"
"Sean is a stellar bassist and super awesome to work with! He goes ABOVE & BEYOND every time, and put's his heart into the project. He is a great guy to work with and super friendly! And gives solid musicianship advice..."
" Once again teamed up with the legend himself! I know I’m a broken record. But I feel it’s important for all to know how special it is what he offers. He gives me (& I’m sure many others) the ability to get ideas ..."
"Great experience, Austin is an excellent engineer and even better person, it's a pleasure to work with him!!!! the result is simple THE BEST!!!"
"Lance is the absolute best. Love working with him. Absolute pro and pleasure to deal with. Passionate, meticulous, and highly skilled. "
"I worked with iRoc Omega on a small project. He tracked a rap verse for a song that I wrote. He nailed the recording and was a good communicator through the Sound Better messages. He was also able to finish the wor..."