Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Vassel
Responsability, good audio and commitment to music.
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Welcome to SandCastle Recording ! We offer a creative, friendly, supportive environment, which will enable the artist to be the best they can be. Our interests are slanted toward the singer songwriter in the acoustic,folk,celtic and demo markets. We also wish to promote the education and growth of young Canadian songwriters and performers
Hi my name is James and I have been actively producing music for around 30 or so years. I have played in several bands (some signed some not) I can midi program from the bottom up on tracks and create a radio friendly sound and can also play guitar/bass/drums etc..
I am 23. I have been singing unprofessionally since I was little. I sing back ground vocal (Harmony) in my church's worship band. I play a bit of piano and have been writing my own songs (lyrics) for over 10 years.
Guitar Player, Song Writer, Keyboard Player, Singer, for more than 15 years, as well as Music Teacher. Songs produced and released on many audio stores (Apple Store, Deezer, Spotify, and so on).
Responsability, good audio and commitment to music.
With Grammy Award-Winning and RIAA Gold & Platinum clients, your music is in good hands. As a specialized audio engineer in vocal post-processing/mixing, I'll bring your vision to life. Differentiator? My dedication to making sure your music sounds exactly how you want it to. Let's make your music shine.
Professional VO Artist and Vocalist of nearly 20 years. Skilled in Top-Line Writing, Providing Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, and Vocal Production. I am from Nashville, but am now based out of New York City performing at local venues as well as writing and producing from home<3
Made many hits for many artist
Recent Successes
"I had a great experience with Krysta, it was very quick, efficient, professional and i got just what i needed. Highly recommended!"
"Rob is a pleasure to work with as always. He's super pleasant to chat with and knows how to make a song really shine. He's my go-to guy for mixing and I can't wait to have him master all the songs he's mixed for my al..."
"Professional and excellent results. I've really enjoyed working with Future Plan Sound and learned a lot from Them. They were patient with my requests and communicates very well.Anyone out there looking for a top mix..."
"Aaron was great to work with and would highly recommend. For me this was a learning experience and Aaron is a great producer and was willing to teach me and help set me up to improve my skills. "
"Dan was a dream to work with– he is ultra responsive, keen on taking feedback into consideration, and wildly talented at what he does. Definitely looking forward to working with Dan again!"
"This is the second time I worked with Heloise on a song. As per usual, her playing was impeccable and she knows exactly what musicality to bring to the piece to make it shine. Thanks! "
"William has been absolutely amazing! Not only is he super talented and passionate on a creative level, but he is also very professional and reliable. It’s been an absolute treat working with Will, he creates comfortab..."