Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Vexxed Mess
Independent producer, songwriter, composer, musician. Outsider pop with alternative sensibilities. Perform as Baze Blackwood; RILEMOB.
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GMP Mixing is run by George Marquez, a mixing and mastering engineer currently working in Philadelphia. George has worked in two Studio's located in the city learning tracking and mixing under different engineers. He is always dedicated in making your track into a record.
Hi my name is Nick Smith and I am an artist, and session singer in Nashville. If you need traditional country or new country sounds, I'm your guy!
i will produce worktapes of cowriting sessions and produce song demos from worktapes. Currently under construction we will be publishing our first catalog in january of 2023
I along with GabeVsWrld are a dynamic duo that can write , produce , engineer and mix many different styles of music. We are in love with creating music and enjoy the process of bringing a song to life. We know how hard it is to bring a song to completion and we look forward to helping artist live out their passion.
Recording artist, songwriter and session musician
If you want a mixer who's mixed famous artists, you've landed on the wrong profile. I am here to help independent artists produce the best possible recordings of their songs. I'm inspired by talented people whose songs I'm excited to mix and I can't wait to hear yours.
Send me your music to make it the best it can be!
Production and Mixing
Recent Successes
"Great engineer. And even better person. Will work with you until you get what you want 10 stars. "
"Mary is the perfect vocalist for any kind of song, fast work but at the same time 10/10 properly. Beautiful voice and amazing writing skills!"
"AWESOME Really knows how to create a special sound with his instruments. Blends it in really well with any track"
"Lydia was fast and fantastic to work with. Beautiful voice "
"Amazing person to work with. He understands the vibe that I’m going for. And he gets straight to work. Very nice person and very easy to work with. Thank you William, great job!"
"After having worked with Guy a few times now, he is my go to for mastering and polishing up my projects. On each occasion he has delivered in a timely manner with a high duty of care and quality. "
"I've used Quincy before. My expectations was clearly met with his singing and songwriting and will come back again at some point."
"I really enjoyed the hard work of Rodrigo :). He really knows what he is doing and he did a great job on this song! Can't wait to work some more with him "
"Chris is a talented singer who does pro work!"