Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Wop Valentino
Professionally trained engineer currently working with Grammy-Winning producer, Courtney Orlando. Performed in St. Louis's premier club, Delmar Hall. Deeply routed into the local scene of St. Louis.
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Recording Engineer, Mixer, and Producer working out of Lightship95 studios in East London. Available for studio sessions, on-location, and online.
Mixing & Mastering Engineer, Sound Effects creation
20-year experience Recording Engineer. Early on started out off the beaten path at nine inch nails Nothing Studios (in the old funeral home in New Orleans). From there have been home-based for nearly two decades at a Neve/SSL studio, located just outside of Los Angeles.
Versatile Vocalist & Published Songwriter with 100 Million + Spotify/Youtube streams and 10+ years of professional experience working with some of the biggest artists and writers in the world from JoJo to Zayn & many more. Also work within the Kpop & Sync world and releases with major labels such as Sony, Atlantic & Universal.
Attention and professionalism from pre-production to mixing.
I'm a music producer, mixing engineer, techno artist and drummer from Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Professional Harpist for New Compositions, Short tracks and long tracks, any genre with Improvvisation and Composition skills
I produce and engineer all of my music
Recent Successes
"ok, so when we talk about going over the top to make the music work, this is your guy... Professional, communicative and just a tremendous artist."
"Dissa was very patient and answered all of my questions. He has a unique sound and helped me get the results I wanted. Thanks DISSA"
"Really good service and helped to make the mix better too. Nice big sound. Recommend !!!!"
"Nicolas is a great mixer! He took what was a very bright and thin sounding rough mix and warmed it up and sprinkled some pixie dust on it to give me the perfect mix for my Christmas Single. He’s also very easy to work..."
"Amazing songwriter! Had many great ideas to tune up songs. Much recommended!"
"Matty is the man! He's professional, prompt, and easy to work with. Above all, his mixes are SUPER clean. He's also great with notes and works hard to make sure the finished product sounds exactly how you want it to. "
"She totally nailed the vocals/vibe. I literally got goosebumps when i first got the vocals back. I can't stop jamming to the song we made and cant wait to release this one :) "
"It was a pleasure working with Shelley. She is an amazing singer and an extremely talented songwriter. Her work ethic is very professional. Whenever I wrote to her, I received a quick response. I can absolutely and co..."
"Jim is an incredible producer and musician. He worked tirelessly on my song by both playing the instruments on the track and producing/mixing. He has incredible instincts and was not afraid to take risks and try new a..."
"Incredible to work with her, she undoubtedly has a lot to give the world in music. I am still happy to work with her on new projects."