Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with yodele
Not to brag but I have the best work when it comes to Beat making, mixing and mastering. I love when my clients give me compliments, and also I appreciate they say what more should be done to their song if not satisied. I deliver work on time.
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My number 1 goal is to help new and established artists get the very best sounding mix that we can both be proud of.
Professional and versatile singer and yodeler, who loves to record her voice for all types of music.
Norah Jones, Robert Plant and Emily Haynes are some of the voices that last touched a microphone that my voice followed. I have won awards and worked with amazing people. But at the end of the day, if my voice is the right fit for your song or voice over project, you'll know once you hear it. I'm all about lip service for your project to shine.
We are Dark Knights Records, a recording and sound engineer duo from Nuremberg. Our main goal is to obtain a sound that gives the listener something to discover even after listening several times.
Versatile music producer proficient in multiple genres. I have helped produce, write and develop Pop, R&B, Hiphop, Rock, EDM and Indie artists. Along with having scored a few short films I have also recently written the theme song for an upcoming independent video game. https://soundcloud.com/user-517761515/sets/beat-examples/s-knSZwl65jn5
I'm a Stockholm (Sweden) based songwriter, keyboard player, arranger and music producer. Over the years I've worked with multi platinum producers and Grammy Award winners.
Hey, I'm Tomm from Argentina - My job is to give your idea what it needs to exceed your expectations. Tell me about your project and let's work together to make it happen
Marcel Caron, born and raised in the Netherlands, is a versatile mixer, producer, and sound programmer with a passion for electronic music.
Recent Successes
"Lynsey is talented and easy to work with it "
"I'll definitely be a repeat customer of Art's. His mixes and masters are fantastic. He's extremely accommodating and professional, has a quick turnaround, is responsive, and on top of that has a very pleasant personal..."
"So talented! I love how these vocals turned out! I haven't had a chance to mix and finish this track yet but KNVWN absolutely killed it with lyrics and vocals. Excellent and well organized stems delivered quickly and ..."
"Working with Eileen was a breeze! We just got the complete voc-stack for the song and will start producing further from here. The vision for the song matched from the start and we didn't even ask for one small change ..."
"Outstanding singing voice! Outstanding rapping voice! Rioux V does it all with style!"
"Had an amazing experience with Yoad, he is an absolute expert. Professional, great quality of work, politeness and great guy. Amazing career, he's been working with a lot of pop stars. Glad to have worked with him..."
"Yoed’s string arrangement brought an authentic emotion thatthis track was lacking. Amazing job!"