Peter Theremin (1991) Thereminist, header Russian Theremin School the organizer of the festival of theremin culture «Thereminology», creator of the first Russian-language portal about theremin «Theremin Times», the great-grandson of Leon Theremin. Works with theremin in genres: classical, contemporary . improvised music.
Peter Theremin (1991)
Thereminist, header Russian Theremin Schol
the organizer of the festival of theremin culture «Thereminology», creator of the first Russian-language portal about theremin «Theremin Times», the great-grandson of Leon Theremin. Works with theremin in genres: classical, contemporary . improvised music. Head of Russian Theremin School, the author of a series of lectures on the history of electromusic, on the history of the theremin . The author of the course «Theremin for 24 hours.»
More than 1000 performances (lectures, concerts, master classes). Performances were held in different cities of Russia, Belarus, Germany and Estonia. In 2016 he held a tour of Japan with Natalia Theremin.
Music for films
The Sheep Islands (2015)
Sounds of Vladivostok (партия терменвокса) ( 2017)
VITEBSK ART SCHOOL for at the Centre Pompidou (Paris) ( 2018)
The Owls Are Not What They Seem: David Lynch Tribute Remixes (2017)
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