Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 407Matt
I can make your music stand out. I consistently consider all aspects of production, even when working on something as simple as vocals. I’ll apply techniques to give you both a clean and impactful mix, as well as enrich your song and make it pop in a crowded genre.
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We are a team of Producers and Engineers specializing in pop, hip hop, and alternative rock. Having worked with talented musicians and producers ranging from Dr. Dre to Dave Matthews Band we know and understand what it takes to make modern music exciting and interesting.
Hello! I am an Audio Engineer, with over twenty (20) years experience as a professional bassist/guitarist, and song-writer in rock, jazz, r&b, pop, hip hop, a metal genres. I have worked with numerous national acts, as well as local talent. ***For a limited time I am offering my services at very reasonable rates, with a fast turn-over time.***
Hi, my names Will, I'm 20 years old and I'm from Birmingham UK, I am the lead vocalist of the band Light The Skies and I've been working with the band for 3 years, I am currently seeking to help songwriters and producers so they have a voice to work with.
Hello guys, My name is Svetoslav, popular with the artist name Sve. I started mixing and mastering 10 years ago, when I started producing my own music. It's my pation for life.
We produce nostalgic and melancholic electronic beats for upcoming indie artist Halima. Our producers have also worked with Law and Order SVU and other notable short films and tv series.
Looking to bring life to your music! Mobile studio can come to you to record! Great for laying down tracks in a comfortable location.
I've worked with Rachel Sermanni ("So It Turns"), Hildur Guðnadóttir, The Kurt Rosenwinkel Trio and many more.
Poruwe Kandulak - Music Producer, Audio Engineer, Vocalist
Recent Successes
"It was really great working with Cleo. we are totally satisfied with his job. He works very well, he is quick and he is nice too. I highly recommend him. thank you"
"Arthur does an incredible job from beginning to end. From writing to composing to producing to pushing the song on streaming platforms. I’m just so impressed with his ability to continually raise the bar for each track "
"Joe..Joe...Joe....WHAT a player...+ a gent..& with mojo. Simply 10 stars. He IS what makes music great. Yup I know that sounds a little lofty, slightly hyped maybe? But he helped make my music, what seems to me to ..."
"This is my third endeavor with J.O.Y. What a gifted vocalist and lyricist he is. Working with him is just so simple. Out of all of them, projects never once had to request a revision. The delivered stuff is absolutely..."
"Love working with ALOU. Works fast, great communication, and always delivers great work. 10 stars!"
"Very nice work from Daniel. And very nice and easy to work together with. "