Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Addidas
Independent artist open to collaborations.
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Record your songs at The Groove House's state of the art recording studio, and get the sound quality of Nashville and LA at HALF the price.
I can write you a violin part in seconds flat. Give me a call and I'll tell you what key you speak in ;)
Need a crunchy, punchy, BLEGH-worthy final mix? Look no further than The Magician's Fool. We are a studious, focused mixing/mastering intern for hire. We experience living in plurality and use we/they pronouns, are nonbinary and queer-positive, and we work EXCLUSIVELY with survivors of domestic violence to raise their voices.
Chilean DJ and Producer who has worked with Tommy Boysen, CEAESE, Marlon Breeze, Jamez Manuel, Dj Lizz & others artist from the chilean urban music scene. He has been developing his sound through different genres related to electronic and urban music, achieving a perfect mix in his compositions ranging from RnB, Hip Hop, Trap to Reggaeton.
While I am young at 19 years old, I bring nearly a decade of experience in the visual and audio arts industry, my extensive background and passion for music make me a versatile and committed collaborator ready to bring your vision to life.
Multi-Genre music producer and DJ with numerous official releases
I am a sound engineer. I have been creating and mixing music for over 5 years and I am passionate in creating that great tune for an artist.
Recent Successes
"Thomas did a superb job with a dense mix and brought out all the best elements of each instrument and track. The song now has a great mix that is ready for mastering. "
"Good luck hiring this guy. We are gonna steal him to engineer our sound on tour and f the rest of you. See you soon mr Leeds."
"Adres made a fantastic job! Really fast and great results! :) Thank you :)"
"As usual, the work from Danny is incredible! If you need any horns in your song, pick this guy! "
"Just finished another project with Austin, as always I was very satisfied with his work."
"Another great experience w/ Mark. Super communication and turn around and, of course, an exquisite bass part."
"Adrian is truly passionate with his work. He did a great production job on our song. Nice experience!"
"Wonderful mix. The process was very easy to get my song to the next level. Thank you!"
"Great talent, nails the parts quickly, and extremely quick responses! Jones 2.0 even had to switch studios due to a natural disaster and still wrapped up the project on time! "
"John is an excellent player, and a real pro in his approach. He gave us different variations and delivered adjustments we liked on top, perfectly. Beautiful sound and technique."
"Super fast delivery, and lots of cool options! I'm very happy with the bass tracks Mark delivered!"