Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ariel Bellavaire
When You Really Believe In Your Music, It's Time To Go To Catamount! Catamount Recording is a state-of-the-art professional recording studio located in Cedar Falls, Iowa. We specialize in album production with over 500 releases to date.
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I have decades of full time, professional audio experience with some of the biggest names in music: Randy Bachman/B.T.O., Neil Young, Strange Advance, Long John Baldry, DOA, etc. These days I work from a small home studio, up in some remote Canadian mountains. I'm interested in sound design, soundtracks, ambient and electronic scores..
If you need a guitar part, male vocal or even a full production on a song you have written, look no further. I am a musician / producer with years of experience in music production, with many albums available on most streaming platforms.
Mixing vocals, mainly r&b soul, hip hop, and modern pop
I love good music. I love even more working with professional musicians and artists. I wish I could consider myself a "good" musician, but that's why the universe created mix engineers for people such as myself. My job is simple - yours as a musician, creative artist, touring band, or anything in between - is not. That's why I am here.
With over thirty years of expertise in musicianship and singing, I specialize in video game and application soundtracks, operatic vocal sound, dark ambient sound and avant-garde classical and folk.
I am a fiddle player and vocalist with experience in Western, Western Swing, Country, Bluegrass, Jazz, Folk, and Contest Fiddling. I have extensive experience singing harmony vocals and rhythm guitar. I am passionate about what I do and I strive to always bring a strong work ethic to the table. Hit the contact button to get in touch!
Greetings, I’m Daniel A. With a Master of Fine Arts in Picture Scoring from CSC Film School and over 10 years of industry experience, I specialize in composing for film, television, video games, ads and media. Playing with sound palettes and finding new textures always gives me new excitement.
Recent Successes
"Coop is a future star producer. Amazing and timely work. Would recommend for anyone seeking a quality producer."
"It was an absolute pleasure to work with Philip on my album. His mastering really brought my music to another level and made it sound incredible! Besides being a very professional sound engineer, he is very polite, al..."
"Taylor Franklyn is a superb producer who is great at what he does and is also very patient. I am quite finicky about small details so I appreciate his patience. "
"Collaborating with Joy was amazing, ‘cause he really uplifted my song with his unique voice. He was also very collaborative, answering always on time and delivered everything within the requested deadlines. He is an a..."
"Scott has nailed every project I'sent him with great accuracy, professionalism, and he stays on top of all the nuances I ask him for with a humility and performance sense that is a great motivator within any project! "
"Janicka came onto the project and instantly lifted the level of production. I wouldn't hesitate to work with her again. Great quality and unique artistry."
"Exceptional production skills and excellent communication and very fast delivery. A true professional who is reliable, creative, and a pleasure to work with!"
"Every Single time, He delivers. I am keeping my guy busy. Nothing but success. "