Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Beau Stephenson
Experienced Piano and Keyboards player looking to elevate your music! I have experience in providing piano and synths for pop/rock tracks, arranging ballads, and writing full arrangements for cinematic classical pieces. With experience playing in multiple genres, I can bring a unique emotional flair to your project.
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Mixing & Mastering
Played with Joni Mitchell, They Might Be Giants, Rufus Wainwright, Sara Mclachlan Iggy Pop,A Fine Frenzy,Movies and TV themes like "the office"
Composer (feature films, TV shows, theater, documentaries, podcasts, commercials), music producer, guitarist (, acoustic, electric, Classic guitar), Born In Palermo He lives between London ,Glasgow, Venice,Palermo
I riff off your art, music video and photos to bring the piece into the moving image world- perfect for Spotify canvas. I am an experienced graphic designer, working within the music industry. My focus is on sharp, appropriate and visually stimulating design.
Can write very intricate rap lyrics.
Composer / beatmaker with a unique experimental aesthetic specializing in video games (RPG, Action, Adventure, Puzzle, Story-rich) and film.
Hi there! I'm an audio engineer, producer, and classically trained singer - I specialize in tracking, comping, and tuning vocals, as well as mixing and mastering.
Recent Successes
"Terry is the guy to contact if you want awesome sounding drums. His feedback and communication helped me get the final product that I had hoped for. Really enjoyed working with him. "
"I just completed my first job with KRAMER. He was very responsive and super knowledgeable....not to mention, he's a top notch mastering engineer. He's our new go-to guy! Excited to work together again soon. Can't say ..."
"Beautiful singing, he is very well on the music requests and changes that you need. Really a great artist and singer with heart and soul!"
"Brandon is creative melodically and has the pipes to properly convey his ideas. I plan on working with him again soon..."
"GEKKO is an amazing producer. He takes full pride in his work and is dedicated to making the best possible music. Very open to ideas. He can transform your vision into a masterpiece!"
"Thanks Ivan coming through with a spectacular job every time!"
"Luno was very quick on turnaround and responses. We went back and forth until I was happy and I'm stoked at the end result. "
"I introduced Marco now on a 3rd track in which he demonstrated he can apply himself as well as take instructions. Great musicianship indeed."
"Dibs is super talented and such a pleasure to work with. I absolutely love the track we worked on together and would love to work with him again!"