Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bondi Rescue
I create broadcast ready sound alikes or custom music for your project!
From a basic idea to a release-ready track in pretty much any genre! I’m an award winning producer|composer|songwriter with a studio near beautiful Lake Wörth in Klagenfurt, Austria. I have worked with artists all over the world on hundreds of songs across all types of genres and produced music for various films and for sync (ABC,NBC,A&E,CBS...)
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Flat fee pricing | Pro Studio Sound
During my 10 years in Japan I've worked on video game and movie soundtracks, pop singers and of course Rappers! Some of my recent works include the Anime Darling in the Franxx, the Adam Sherman film soundtrack to "She's Just a Shadow".
Audio Producer / Engineer
Platinum certified music producer, mixer and sound engineer based in Slovakia. Worked with Thouxanbanfauni, Boy Floss, BassKid (FckThem & Comebackgang), LUISA (Comebackgang), Momo, Yung Cortex and many others.
music producer, Produced for few tv commercials
Virtual Rachit is a Musical Artist, Composer, and Producer from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Vocalist, Editor, Mixing Engineer
Experienced studio mixer with a background in acoustic roots music.
Recent Successes
"Andrijana is a very good vocalist, her work is very professional. Extremely friendly and fair. Highly recommended."
"Not only is Tyler a world class top-liner and musician.. but he is also extremely attentive to detail, rigorous and easy to work with. Would definitely work with him again. Thanks. "
"Ben was excellent in every respect (stunning vocals, great recordings, excellent harmonies, thoughtful communication), and working with him definitely brought our song to the next level. I couldn’t have asked for more..."
"Tried stem-mastering with Fred for the first time and I'm more than impressed! He really levels up your song once he has the stems and now my song sounds so powerful, clear and polished at the same time - ready for re..."
"Michael is a true professional. Would not hesitate to recommend him. Needed a paino and he nailed it on the first try. He played for the song and supported the vocal melody which helped elevate the track. Could not ha..."
"Gave me exactly what i was looking for"
"Luke is superb! A five star drummer and professional. It was a pleasure. I won't hesitate to work with him again. He can easily collaborate and follow any direction, quick communication and turn around. Thank yo..."
"Can't recommend Arlis enough to do him justice. Crazy talented songwriter and an absolute pleasure to work with."
"Doug Diamond is the Very Best! He is in a Class all by himself. I have all intentions of using his uniqueness in months and years to come. Richard Cobb / CEO Covington Records"