Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cumpa musica
I am a composer of popular, chamber and symphonic music. I have works in all styles. I work in professional studios and also use high quality digital instruments. What interests me most is what you are looking for. That's why I adapt to all agreed forms.
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I am a professional musician and audio engineer. I have been working with digital and analog audio for over 20 years. I have worked with artists from major record labels such as Universal Music Group (UMG) and their subsidiaries.
Hello! My name is Patric and I am a professional guitarist from Stockholm, Sweden. I would love to record any electric or acoustic guitar tracks for your songs.
Acoustic/Pop Cover Songs and Creative Mashups are my specialty. You've seen me with collaborators such as Kurt Hugo Schnieder, Anthem Lights, and Levi Mitchell.
Grammy-nominated Keyboardist, Music Producer and Songwriter with credits from a wide range of Superstar artists. I love making clients feel they exceeded their own capabilities. I like to work closely with collaborators to get the best out of them.
im a professional mastering engineer i can make any wav file to a song sound loud clean crispy and radio ready with the knowledge and the professional equipment i got i can make any sound better within 25mins
I am an urban music producer who has worked with top artists like De La Guetto, Lalo Ebratt, Sech, etc.
Give your songs a polished, studio-quality sound by having them mixed and mastered at Dreaming Studios in Las Vegas, Nevada! Make your tracks stand out and grab attention with commercial clarity, depth, and loudness.
Want quality music? Just hire me.
Recent Successes
"As I newbee I did not know much. But Shane had patience as a professional. My song ended up as an incredible production thanks to Shane's great voice and keen sense to make the rhythm as I imagined it would be. My s..."
"One of the best professionals I've worked with. Perfect quality, perfect timing, a pleasure to work with!"
"Once again JayyDee delivered top notch vocals for my track. The range of melodies and styles really brought life to the entire track. He is very professional and the quality of the vocals makes the mixing and master..."
"Great drummer. Great communicator. Gave me exactly what I was looking for. "
"It was an absolute pleasure to work with Andy. Great understanding of my sonic vision and very clear and quick communication. I can only recommend him. And on top of all that he gets really excited for your project wi..."
"Brian nailed an O'Jays-like performance for my project. His voice is great. The vocal stem he sent was really well-recorded. SWEET!"
"Austin was attentive to my changes and made my production really pop! Quality work once again!"
"******, 6 stars for Sakari! A great voice, a great singer to work with. She made us happy!"
"Philip is a great rock singer! He nailed our song perfectly and with great professionalism. He has a fabulous range and great tone as well. He brought much more than a great and distinct voice to the song, bringing..."
"There’s a reason I keep coming back to Alex! Dude is insanely talented, cool as hell, and always finds the angles on the drums that I’d never think of. Thank you Alex!"
"Wonderful job. As always. "