Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dennis Hamlin
Singer, Songwriter with a unique voice. I know what is needed to make your track sound professional and world-class. I have 10 years of experience in singing and songwriting.
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Professional Audio Engineer Martijn de Groot (AKA Still Sound). Resident Engineer at HAL5Studio Amsterdam Company Owner at Still Sound EU Specialized in Guitar based music (Rnb, Soul, Funk, Shred, Math Rock, Djent, Metal, Rock, and more!)
Hello, I am an experienced composer,producer and a mix engineer. Are you ready to take your tracks to the next level? simple, search no further and email me with your requirements. cheers!
Enthusiastically ready to play a part on your next track.
Pro-Level Sound Engineering for your music - Elevate your tracks with expertise and creativity. Collaborate with me for sonic perfection
Cyber Polak living in an ultra-connected world in the year 2077. His reality exceeds fiction and he invites you to plug into his Netrunner brain in order to surpass your limits, discover advanced technology and a body with powerful cybernetic implants. Welcome to its futuristic vision. May the 777 bring you the answers of the future.
"Mohr Sound" is a studio that delivers modern high end sound for your productions.
I'm a certified Professional music producer and sound engineer from Berklee college of music with over 15 years of experience and I've worked on almost all genres of music. I love working on Sound, audio designing, and mixing and mastering songs has been my hobby, and I have worked successfully with musicians and artists.
I record, mix and edit Rock music. As a former touring guitar player I’ve built a world class studio specifically for recording and mixing Rock music.
Recent Successes
"Mahmood is an awesome mastering engineer. took a track that was produced by me, ( not at the highest professional level) and made it sound great! 20k plays on soundcloud and counting! https://soundcloud.com/f-r..."
"Andres is great to work with reasonable and great at making adjustments. This time we hit it right off the park! I will keep sending more work his way. Stellar Mastering Engineer! "
"Blake has been very accommodating and eager to make any changes which is pivotal in any artistic work. Having someone who will follow through is essential. I will continue using Blake for future work. "
"He totally knows his shizzle! Brought different vibes to different tunes - which is what I wanted. A lovely contribution by a lovely bloke :) :) Will hire again, boo yah."
"Brian is the best. The finish product is remarkable. His attention to detail was superb. The type of music I create is very unique using many subtleties in delays , and reverbs to create a unique space for the final..."
"Micah is an audio wizard! He's quick, insightful and provides superior results!"