Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Drunken Dragon Music
I am professional musician ready to deliver fully produced tracks for all your projects.
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Hey, I'm Wayne Sunderland and I run Suture Mastering :)
Feeling music easily.
Just a couple independent musicians trying to help other artists bring their visions to life!
Have been recording and wirtting vocals long enough to give you what you need, in English and French.
Beautiful room in Nashville, Tn. for singer/songwriters. Great rates and a creative atmosphere. Room for your band or can hire the best session players here in Nashville. We do many projects for out-of-town clients who are unavailable to be at the sessions.
Looking for the perfect pitch?
I specialize in writing and recording unique and creative guitar parts, mainly in the psych/indie rock realm. Looking for a trippy spaced out solo to pull the listener in? Struggling to find the perfect chord progression to go under a melody? Need a chunky riff to drive a song along? Let's work together to make something awesome!
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Recent Successes
"ok, I;m running out of accolades for Dave.. 5 stars says it all! Great work and great to work with!"
"Amazing mix engineer. Sent him the session and the very first return was almost perfect and he was extremely quick and accurate to make the revisions that I asked for on the first try. The rhythm section couldn't hav..."
"Robbie is high talented in writing and singing. He is a real professional. His voice is very beautiful and fits great on my music. It was great working with him. He response also very fast. One of the best here. Thanks."
"Really enjoyed working with Phil on this remix. Super happy with the result and he was a total pro to deal with. Timely. Did exactly what he said he would do. Looking forward to the next project! "
"Soulfully creative and super easy to work with. Highly recommended"
"Jeff will blow your mind! The demo-to-record whisperer! Super fun working together. Turned out even better than the reference mix, definitely look forward to next one!"
"Stephen literally is my savior! Has incredible voice and is a really good person!"
"Another great remix and great remake (version very close to the original but using different instruments) by Noah ! He always surprises me with his remixes and I like listening to them a lot ! I am glad that I foun..."