Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Esther Diaz Rey
Multi-instrumentalist engineer and singer based in Spain. I've worked in several genres for the past 5 years with many artists. If you want a good guitar line, a melody, a track, or make your song more living and big, this is your page. Just text me and I'll answer all your questions.
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London-based creative musician, providing guitar, bass and keyboard parts performed and recorded to a professional standard.
Re-amping, mixing, mastering, and session tracking is my passion. I love music and I love to help people.
Hi everybody, I'm here trying to help anyone needs help for his musical stuff, from mixing and mastering to editing, or producing, also overdubbing guitars/basses/drums/keys, or simply compose and record music for singers/songwriters. Just ask, we'll have a great time at least!
Joe Diorio, Jerry Bergonzi, Dave Santoro, Massimo Manzi, Acustica, Lovintresi, S.N.P., Filippo Destrieri (tastierista di Franco Battiato), Romantici Vagabondi, Valtur, Bei Matei, Davide Taloni, Luca Bonesi, Consuelo Orsingher, Gnukeig, Afrodisiaci, Sergio Lavia, Colours, Silver Skyline, Biglietto per l’Inferno ecc.
Hello! I'm Emil - a producer, songwriter, mixer, vocalist and guitarist. I've been involved with lots of projects through running a recording studio for years, producing, writing, mixing and playing. I'm now only doing this part time, but still have the knowledge, ears, and pipes to help you with your project.
When you are seeking unique and out-of-this-world vocal recording or lyrics that hit deeply, call on me!
I make music on demand & do Mixing and Mastering also. Achieving the professional quality of my music is my primary goal.
Dipesh K. Shrestha is a Nepalese singer & actor who was born on December 20th, 2004, in the city of Kathmandu.
Recent Successes
"It should be illegal to be this good. Chris is obsessed with detail in the best way possible. What initially sold me was the depth and space of his mixes. Unbelievable clarity. He's like a mad scientist, providing twe..."
"It was my second job with Fred and it was just amazing! Fred is one of the best professionals I've the opportunity to work with!"
"Anthony's great to work with. We came out with a nice track and hopefully we'll be doing some more work in the near future."
"Sam helped me some edits and an arrangement. Great guy to work with."
"If I could, I'd send João music every day. It's always a pleasure to hear what comes back to me. Very well crafted, polished, and brilliant work. Such an amazing, amazing musician. There's just no way you can go wrong..."
"Sarah did another great job. Super vocals and very attentive to detail."
"AdiStudio was very professional and kept in contact with me the entire time, and the end result was an amazing instrumental."
"Have worked with Bram for a long period of time! Definitely one of the best in the game!"
"Super underrated producer and visionist, great conversations willing to throw suggestions to improve the record/song ive worked edm and pop with holophonica studios and never disappoint me they go above and beyond!"
"I'm convinced that Matt is the greatest rhythmic mind on the planet. His boundless creativity, infectious grooves, and seamless collaboration make working on every project an absolute joy!"