Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with fariana
Hola! Soy Jairo Sanz Soy CEO e ingeniero de Mastering y Dolby Atmos en Sanz Estudios, un estudio boutique en el que puedo ofrecer los mejores resultados para tu canción.
Professional accordionist with 15+ years of experience, specializing in vallenato and Colombian music, as well as Latin, Caribbean, and urban genres. I have worked on numerous productions, bringing the authentic sound of Colombia and the Caribbean to every project. Versatile, reliable, and dedicated to musical excellence.
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I am able to write pop-punk, indie, alternative, or hip hop songs for a reasonable price.
Vocalist for french band Nouvelle Vague. Featurings on EDM & House such as R.A.C.(Andre Anjos), Patrick Topping, Rodriguez Jr., Alexkid & more. Cuban born, American raised, based in Paris. Songwriter for EMI from 2005-2008 . My songs have been featured on TV series such as Six Feet Under, 90210, Entourage, Las Vegas and the movie Holy Rollers.
Hi, I am an experienced Sound Engineer/Music Producer based in Holland. I am studying Music Design as a Master`s Degree student and have years of extensive experience working with musicians, producers and directors. I have been working on Sound Mixing/Mastering for +10 years. Professional musicians & companies are my regular clients.
Work is Life...
Hi my name is AyoKxari, and I am a Music Producer and engineer that specializes in created radio charting hits! I produce different styles of music and main specialty is creating your vision and emotion into a reality! I have worked with Grammy nominated artists Raja Kumari, Billboard charting artists Elvis Brown, Skooly, Parkhill, and PaperLovee.
The 13-year-old, who lives in Thailand but has loved British singing since childhood.
Electronic Music Producer specialising in creating tracks for vocalists in the singer/songwriter style. Have collaborated with International singer songwriters on a variety of projects. One of which was picked up by popular music blog BLANC. I also have the ability to play/record guitar and vocals.
I am a songwriter, professionally, since 2019. I have written contributions to major records, such as, Latto's "B*tch From Da Souf Remix", which has received Gold and Platinum certifications.
Recent Successes
"Good vocals and fast delivery, it was all i needed for my demo. Thank you Dennis!"
"Micah has extensive musical background and he is very informative about the foundations of making music. I have been able to jump start my music education with mini quizzes and techniques that have helped me to grasp ..."
"Nailed! super professional, great vocal character. I'd like to work again. "
"Absolutely love working with Chad, weve been working together for over 3 years now and he remains my 'go to' guitarist. He is a great player with a great ear for what a track needs guitar wise. He always brings his A ..."
"Jordan just delivered the first of what is going to be an album's worth of drum tracks he'll be doing for my recording project. Not only is Jordan a KILLER drummer with groove and pocket for days, I found him super sm..."
"Nuno was amazing to work with. Besides being an incredible drummer, he is quick, professional, very responsive, and really invests in the song. His drums brought the song alive and raised it to a higher level. Highly ..."
"Nate was awesome to work with! He communicates really well with his clients to make sure his performances are true to their vision. And his playing is fantastic!"
"Fabian always take my projects from a "release", to "release-ready", always pleased with the results. Incredible master and look forward to continue working with Fabian."