Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with frankydrama
Electronic Music Artist (Depaart - frankydrama)| Releases on top labels as Diynamic, Exploited, Last Night On Earth, Sincopat, Stil Vor Talent. Services: Mix, Mastering and Track production. Feel free to get in touch for more info.
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D'aussi loin que je me souvienne la musique, le son, les instruments et les machines qui permettent de créer cette vibration unique on fait partie de mon univers. C'est donc naturellement, que j'ai installé mon premier Project studio en 1995 et que depuis je n'ai cessé de faire, de partager, d'explorer, de mixer et d'écouter de la musique.
Recent projects include working as a Mix Engineer for Kyle Dion,Audrey Mika, Elujay, Phabo, Destin Conrad, Ambré, Mars Today, D Smoke, JMSN, Jaewynn, Los Rakas, Goapele.
High quality custom guitar parts. Full tracks for songs or custom loops. Pop/Rock/EDM/Indie etc. Pro gear and fast turnaround!
I help artists and producers achieve an industry sound. With 11 Years Experience.
I am a versatile songwriter
Guille have 10+ years of experience writing and producing songs. Since 2017 Guille is 24/7 immersive learning how to master his music skills.
Analog & Digital Approach to Mixing & Mastering. Bedroom Pop to experimental EDM <3
Electronic Music Artist (Depaart - frankydrama)| Releases on top labels as Diynamic, Exploited, Last Night On Earth, Sincopat, Stil Vor Talent. Services: Mix, Mastering and Track production. Feel free to get in touch for more info.
Recent Successes
"Kristal has produced another phenomenal vocal performance, her interpretation of the melody and vocal is absolutely perfection. Can't recommend highly enough."
"High quality mix and master with a knowledge of how to honor what a track needs and what direction to push it into. Thanks again Paul! "
"Ziv is THE MAN! Awesome brother, so talented, and so happy to work with you as always! "
"The results always exceeded my expectations! I really recommend everyone to work with him because he is worth it!"
"Gdaliy delivered amazing work. Good communication, quick turnaround and a very talented musician. Definitely recommended and I look forward to working together again."
"Another great mixing experience with Max. Delivery and turnaround was faster than expected and still resulted in one of my favorite mixes so far! Looking forward to continuing to work together."
"Gabe is a fantastic collaborator and musician! I really enjoyed working with him and love his string contributions to my project. Would highly recommend!"
"Curtis' been providing me a crisp and clear master for my song, and he's very patient about me always finding something new that I've had to fix in the mix. I feel he's been treating my song with the deepest care. Tha..."