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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ian Will
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World-renowned producer & engineer Lasse Lammert's LSD-Studios are located in Lรผbeck, Germany, just outside of Hamburg. Combining two state of the art ProTools HD3 Accel systems with piles of luscious modern & vintage analog hardware, Lasse's productions are noted for their crystal clarity along with a truly analog sense of warmth.
Remote: - Mixing - Mastering - Producing - Editing
Beat-smith and Film Composer, with ten years of experience and crafting and mixing original sounds with Ableton Live. My experiences range from internationally screened film scores to singles and EP's.
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O.A.G Productions, Newportfavorite_borderfavoriteMany producers can make beats but many producers lack the ability to make beats that are dynamic and currently changing. O.A.G Productions specialises in beats and instrumentals that are dynamic, attention grabbing, and unique.
An audio and music production studio founded by Brian Walters, bringing over a decade of experience as a professional theatre mixer and sound designer back to his roots as a musician and studio engineer.
Dunidu Kalubowila is also known as Riff Panda is Sri Lanka Singer and Rapper. He is also known as a Lyrcist in the Sinhala Music industry. He was only 14 years when written his first rap song and now he is an upcoming rapper in Sri Lanka.
Edr, Edrproction, EDR
Musician, Producer, Mixing and Mastering engineer based in Berlin. I publish music under the pseudonyms Leonardo Das Cabrio, Luis Centauri & Luis Da Silva with releases on labels such as STMPD by Martin Garrix, Kitsune Musique and Lowly / Trap Nation.
Recent Successes
"Oliver is easy to work with very chill and is so professional !"
"Jordan will give your track the PRO sound you are looking for. His mixing is brilliant. He is cpable of delivering an amazing balance with beautiful bottom end, punch and power, and awesome space. Dont forget that ..."
"Always great, not much left to say! Takes my ideas and really brings them to life more skillfully than I can, and understands the direction Iโm trying to go without much guidance "
"His lyrics have some incredible wordplay and you can tell he is just overflowing with ideas. He fit my song perfectly"
"Alex will give you your heart's content on drums as well along with vocals and guitars. This review is for his drums on my second track. Perfect mix and great sound. Crispy tasty sound. Perfect for my genre. "
"Chris is an amazing producer. I was looking for someone who can bring the vision of my music to live and men, he came through. I am very grateful to have connected with such understanding and patient individual. I def..."
"Eivind is a stand up stand up bass player, pun intended! Awesome work, really happy. He added super nice details to my track, just the right amount. Great execution and great musicianship!"
"I reached out to UAngels Choir for the first time and I was impressed by how quickly they delivered their tracks to me. Their harmonies are stunning and it's clear that they put a lot of dedicated heart and soul into ..."