Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jimorrow
Hi everyone, I am a versatile vocalist who has amassed 600,000+ streams across all platforms, worked with major artists, and signed to various record labels. I'm looking to write, and topline your tracks!
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Hi we are excited to be a part of SoundBetter. This is a great service and we are looking forward to working with passionate, bright artists. Thank you SoundBetter for putting this opportunity together.
I'm a Chicago-based musician with over 15 years of experience recording, mixing, and performing music.
An easy to work with music producer with a background in rock, drone, pop and lo-fi. I can work with all ready recorded material or help give tips on existing productions. I can also help with mixing and mastering your music. At the heart of it, I just want to help make good songs great and help to bring a better vision to your work.
Music Producer/Mixer/Engineer
Hi, my name is Misha Mishenko, and I love writing music. Music is magic and I do it so that every track is recorded and produced at the highest level. My music will tell you everything about me.
Lead Singer Songwriter
Over 6 hours of music recording, (Bass, Percussion, Vocals and Production), with versatility, experience and a lot of creativity, i can bring quality and a unique touch to your music. Keep in touch, let's get to work!
Songwriting, lyrics, producer, mix&master,rnb, r&b, chill, lo-fi, trap, rock, pop, house, acoustic. beats, guitar, electric guitar, bass, drums, piano, synth, pad.
Recent Successes
"Andres mixed our track with great precision and trasnparency in the sense that it respects a lot of the dynamics and mixing of the premastered version, while giving it that quality and personality of a finished master..."
"I had Doug co produce one of my songs. While staying true to my original melodies and vision for the song, he took it to a completely new level, giving my song that professional, huge, EDM sound. Looking forward to do..."
"Matt was awesome and so much fun to work with. He did a great job on every mix that I sent over and was quick to address any feedback that I had. He was also really great with communication, reaching out to me pra..."
"Kramer has done an amazing job! It took him less than a couple of hours to perfect my mix. I couldn't believe my ears when I got the mastered bounce from him! I will definitely come back to him with further projects. ..."
"Luis is an incredible musician who is one with his instrument and plays the violin like he sings. He is eager to know what you want to tell with your song and took mine to a level i had never imagined possible. And be..."
"This is the second time that I cooperated with Francois, his mix is still amazing and give me a big surprise! I am expecting for the next cooperation with this amazing Mixing Engineer!!!!"
"Had a great experience with Andrea. Very smooth and easy process. Hope to do more together!"
"Matt is always so great to work with. Not only is the quality of his work efficient, but he is very quick and always delivers satisfying results! 🙌🏽🙌🏽"
"I loved working with Lillo! He mixed and mastered my electro ambient / experimental track and added so much depth and color to my song. His music is sensational, and he helped take my music to a higher level. Quick tu..."
"Excellent travail. beaucoup d'émotions dans les paroles. Très jolie voix; Je recommande. "