Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kaho Hung
this is PLAYGROUND, a producer duo who works with a variety of major artists in Hong Kong. specialized in mixing, beat making and topline writing.
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Hey, I'm Marissa. Oklahoma born, Ohio raised. I've been singing my entire life, it is what I love to do, there's not a day that goes by that I'm not doing something involving music. Check out my Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_scYkzxufEgz7fbn9ira8A
Music producer with releases on Spinnin' Records, Enhanced, Revealed, Smash The House, Black Hole. Supported by Armin Van Buuren, Hardwell, Blasterjaxx, Nicky Romero, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Timmy Trumpet, Alan Walker, Sander Van Doorn, Ferry Corsten & more. Global appeal, genre-bending tracks that resonate worldwide.
Mixed every J. Cole Album, Grammy Nominated, Multi Platinum, have also done a large plethora of Atmos Mixes
Music Promotions & Artists Management Comapany
If you're looking for a powerful addition to your music, I can record trumpet or flugelhorn solos, written or improvised, to give you the finishing touch you need. In addition, I can also record a complete brass session (Trumpet, Sax, Trombone), in different styles, in a practical and fast way.
Tel Aviv based producer/beatmaker/video editor
Qualified mixing and mastering engineer with a BTEC Diploma in music technology, 10 years experience in the music industry. I create beautiful mixes and passionate masters, focusing on the depth and clarity of any song. Ensuring your song is industry standard sounding and stands out from the crowd.
Recent Successes
"Simms is quite simply the real deal! He intuitively gets what you are searching for, and then does his magic....The result is always first class. Not to mention his incredible abilities as a musician, a composer and a..."
"It's a pleasure to write this review for Jason (: He's a Solid person, and a doubly Solid Drummer! With a Big, Fat, deep Pocket your song will fall into. I give him three F's Friendly, Flexible, Fast! He listens t..."
"Great fun working with Dibs. Turnaround for mix and master was really quick and he easily figured out what needed to be done to make the track finished and ready for release!"
"He is the best in his work ! He made my song sound amazing.Thank you Jeff! Will definitely work again with you !"
"Can't say enough good things. Professional, easy to work with, and best of all, Carlo understood my music and created amazing solos on pretty much his first attempt. Highly recommended. "
"James promptly provided me back with a high-quality mastering of one of my songs. I highly recommend him."
"Yoad really lives up to his name! Not only is he a talented mix/mastering engineer, but his PROFESSIONALISM is unmatched. I KNOW my future songs with Yoad will be AMAZING!"
"Very detailed. If you have a specific sound you’re looking for, be very specific and he’ll work with you to achieve that sound."
"Eyy bros, check out the references: Bruno Mars, Lady Gaga, Justin and many others... there are no words I could add, except that Ken is a totally cool and very nice person, Chris from germany"
"Whynot is a super friendly guy and delivered a perfect and very melodic bassline to our song. Just what it needed! We will be happy to be working with him again on a few other songs. Whynot is highly recommended!"