Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lana Volkov
working with Lana Volkov, FLESH, Yung Drug, Viest, Diana Tagieva, Ranli, Страна OZ
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Hi!!! I'm From Mexico but currently based in Dubai UAE. Studied Classical Music and Contemporary Styles as well as Music Production and DJ.
Tommy Bianchi is a well knowed italian sound engineer skilled in audio mastering, mixing and producing electronic music. His studio the "White Sound Mastering Studio" is one of best european mastering studio, acclaimed for the highest quality and the "state of the art" audio mastering, at same top level of best mastering studio of the world.
Hi! I've been doing hiphop production for almost 15 years now, a child of the 90s boom bap production of luminaries like J Dilla, Pete Rock, DJ Premier and Q Tip of A Tribe Called Quest. I've worked with many underground acts over the years, and have also released music independently. With me, you get a skilled artisan with a unique sound.
International chart-toping Singer/Songwriter! Worked with the likes of JLO, Jay Sean, Massari, Shaggy, Tiesto and more! Excited to collaborate with you! Let's work!
My name is Samuel, I am a producer, mixing and mastering engineer based in Amsterdam. I like to work hand in hand with my clients to deliver the best possible product and present it to the world. Having excellent technical standards, my goal is making sure the art retains its intended spirit.
Do you need a quick mix and master? I got you. Do you need to save money? I got you. Do you want 0 expectations and come out pleasantly surprised? I got you. Unison Midi chord pack lol
Homemade silky psychedelia with a catchy retro pop feel.
I specialize in creating music that tells a story. With my two post-secondary degrees in music I am able to write for most instruments in many different styles. I have a passion for storytelling in any medium, and want to create music that helps you better tell your story.
Recent Successes
"Chad has become my main go-to guitar guy. Why? Listen to his stuff and you'll quickly hear why. Great player, professional and an all around nice guy. You need guitars? Look no further."
"I honestly can not say enough about Juan's work!! The musicianship he displays along with the quality of his recordings were really great. This was my first time hiring someone on Sound better and I was really not sur..."
"Benny is amazing, another successful Mix, thanks again Benny!!!"
"Composed an excellent guitar part for me based on my descriptions of what I had desired. He's very responsive, fast, and efficient. A very down to Earth individual and a pleasure to work with. "
"great voice, great personality, very professional! thank you aleesia - hope 2 work with you soon again!"
"Mark is flat out incredible. He is mixing my raw tracks to such an exceptionally professional level. giving him more to mix - brilliant"
"One of my best experiences here so far! Austin not only did a superb mix and master, but also brought the track to the next level with other elements. Everything was fast and friendly. Austin has an excellent understa..."
"Carlos, not only works with you but delivers quickly and although my first master back was not what i was looking for, once i sent a reference track over, and he re focused, he delivered!! Top draw master Will use aga..."
"Christian is not only experienced and knowledgeable, he is passionate and becomes part of the group during his time working on the music. We highly recommend him."
"I highly recommend collaborating with Simone. My project had a lot of moving pieces, and Simone helped give each one its place to make the song pop. He also was receptive to my request that he take creative libertie..."
"Paul was accurate and professorial as usual. "