Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Landy
We are a duo of musicians, father and son, from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Specializing in instrumental tracks for genres like Hip Hop, Trap, Drill, and R&B. We blend creativity and skills to deliver unique compositions. Ready to take your musical project to the next level!
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Hello, my name is Landyn and I love writing, arranging, and performing song parts, specifically guitar.
My name is Dmitry. I write and record music, mostly rock and metal (some folk too!), and I have solid hands-on experience in mixing and mastering in these genres. Although I know a number of mixing tips and tricks, my main guideline for mixing is: don't stick firmly to any guidelines - use your ears and experiment.
My only goal is to make you sound how you imagine you should sound. I'm a producer by passion and and mix engineer by heart. Sounding good is the MO
Studio, hire to remote
I am a sound engineer and musician passionate about sound in all its expressions. More than 13 years of experience as a sound engineer in recording studios. Sound manipulation expert: recording, editing, post-production, sound design, mixing and mastering.
Our goals at Larry Casper Mastering is to deliver the most musical masters for our clients with the attentive care required to capture the musical vision from artists. Music is a form of communication through which people express their emotions and visions. It’s about hearing. Collaboration is a must-have ingredient.
I record my songs in my home studio.
Voodoo Magik!
Recent Successes
"Once again, Tom did an awsome job with my track. He delievered a top-notch Master in a very short time. Great professionalism and attention to your needs, Tom is a great person other than a first-class Mastering eng..."
"Always a super pro job. Stellar tuning and quick delivery. Thankful to be able to constantly and comfortably send tracks to David to keep on schedule. "
"Never disappointed with working with Leroy - he always delivers to such a high standard, on time and with great, detailed feedback."
"Yoed delivered a beautiful string arrangement to a piano ballad that I wrote. In the end, he sent me 13 tracks that really help to maximize the emotion in this song. I am looking forward to sharing them with the wor..."
"Steve “Mr. Mig” Migliore is a godsend for a producer. He’s experience behind the board as a mixing engineer, a producer, a songwriter, and his acumen overall, provide a professional consistency at a speed that I now c..."
"Bram was very easy to work with. He understood the brief and delivered a professional product quickly and in a professional manner. He took on board the notes from version V1 and nailed the master to exactly how I wan..."
"Graet mastering work indeed!"
"Luna is an incredible singer and writer. She communicates quickly and clearly, and absolutely exceeded my expectations. I look forward to working with her again!"