Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Los Atomos
Music Producer | Audio Engineer | Sound Designer | Audio Editing
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Hello, my name is Bennie "DJ B.Original" Williams and I'm a DJ, producer, engineer and recording studio owner based in Los Angeles, CA.
Hi I'm Melissa B.,I'm a professional singer/ songwriter from New York. I am a Grammy member,Hollywood Music in Media Award & Global Music Award Winner. I have worked with some of the best producers & songwriters. I've written for & vocal produced many artists. I've been working in the music industry for 7+ years specializing in pop, edm, and r&b.
Not everyone needs a tuba player, but quality engineers are hard to come by too! Work includes engineering on Khalid's Free Spirit, Tory Lanez, and many more.
I love all genres of music but specialize in rock and metal. Been a musician my whole life and love all aspects of writing recording mixing and mastering music. I love working with bands and helping them realize the vision they have for their music.
The best service for you!
An Producer/Beatmaker/Sound Designer & Engeneer/Photographer/Digital Designer with 6 years of experience of working alone and collaborating. With one album on the streets, various collaborative projects already made and getting prepared for release.
I spend most of my time top lining for recording artists. I would love to be a part of your project! Let's make some awesome music.
Songwriter and Mixing and Mastering Engineer, I have Mixed and wrote on tracks with 100k streams on all platforms.
Recent Successes
"You click play and instantly have an upturned mouth! ..I find myself playing the track over and over after.... I think that says it all!"
"She is awesome! Great work"
"Super fast, understanding, and talented, highly recommend! "
"Emma did an excellent job on the track as well as with comunicating! She delivered right on time and helped me keep my project on schedule. I will definitely be reaching out in the future!"
"I had one track mastered by Tom and I couldn't have asked for a better job done. Tom was polite, professional, and astoundingly quick with his work, and completely transformed my track. An excellent sound engineer tha..."
"Working with Eileen was once again very smooth and easy! The vocals+lyrics were professionally done with style as always. A pleasure to do another collab! Can't wait to proceed to the finished mix and master from here."
"Z to the I to the V, is, A to the M to the A to the Z to the I to the N to the G. "
"Once again, Andres delivers an exceptional mastered version of my song. All the main elements were heard clearly, loudness level was perfect, and was able to bring the attitude that I wanted from the song."
"Plenty of energy, funk and punch. Dennis drumming brought my song to life!"
"Great master! Highly recommended! 🙌"