Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Luvrgurl
My name is Drew Bunge, and I am a producer/engineer/musical artist. I can offer to co-produce your song, mix your song, edit your audio, tune your vocals, or play bass/guitar/synths/vocals on your music. I can work in a wide variety of genres, for multi-media work or just music releases.
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Engineering recording sessions. Nature of job included Recording, Sync Dubbing jobs, IVR’s, Sound Design And Mixing jobs for Commercials, Ads,TV Serials , Music Recording and Mixing sessions, Composing/Producing Audio tracks, etc.
Amit Zangi, Manager and owner of NONA Recording Studio in Jerusalem, And NONA Production in Aalborg, Denmark.
Audio Engineer • Composer • Producer Space|Time Signature Productions While this profile may be new and barren at the moment, I'm always happy to help folks in any way I can! Feel free to contact me at ST.SP@outlook.com with any questions or comments!
Just a hawaiian shirt wearing, fun loving, EDM and Pop music producer... Oh, and being a 6th grade English teacher is just the side-hustle!
5 years on music market
I wanna start a band and start posting my music to Spotify and other platforms.
I Love getting to do what I do, playing electric guitar. Whether onstage or in the studio, playing guitar has always been a passion of mine. Over the last 17 years I have played for so many different christian artists (CCM) as well as for so many different churches/venues.
Trap and contemporary music production
Recent Successes
"Good singers are on every block of any neighborhood street; but what B Warner has separates her into great. She has both a tactile and emotional quality to her voice that distinguishes her. She graces a songs with her..."
"Heiko is a really great producer! His work is very professional and the final mix is outstanding. He turned my demo of just piano and vocal into a much wider and fuller production. I'd definitely work with him again i..."
"He is a very good engineer, He knows how to work with people, very kind and a real professional. Really wants to do things the right way. I really appreciate the work he did. Sounds great."
"Matt is an amazing musician who goes above and beyond to give the best possible for the song. I am so thrilled to find someone like Matt on Soundbetter. He tried 25 different stems and gave me options on pick and choo..."
"Andres Mayo is an absolutely professional mastering engineer!!! Great Work!!!"
"Great work! "
"It was a pleasure to work with Sebastian. He's quick and professional. Definetly would recommend."
"Shelley was great to work with. She perfectly captured the mood of my song and brought it to life. Professional, prompt and easy to work with too. Recommended."
"Nate is a true master at what he does. Never once I had to worry about what he would deliver to me. I put it in his hands and he delivered each and every time. Thanks Nate for making this a most memorable journey."