Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nailed Shut MA
I love to make noise! I can mix or master your track, play drums, and do guitar work! I can do everything from shoe gaze to beautiful, soft acoustic guitar songs :)
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I wrote, recorded and mixed three consecutive number one singles on the biggest underground radio in the country.
Precision meets passion
Every song deserves distinct vocals, relatable lyrics and a memorable feel that brings a song to life. from my experience the best songs invoke a feeling of nostalgia. Combine these two ideas and you have a classic song for the ages. Having been a songwriter and vocalist for over a decade rest assured I will bring your idea to life.
Creative GhostWriting Services in USA
As an Engineer with Credits (Kendrick Lamar, Stormzy, Migos, Eric Clapton, and more) I will push your record to its full potential by mixing and mastering it to the highest music industry standards.
Need mixing or mastering for: Pop, R&B, Boombap, Neo Soul and anything related to these genres? We welcome you.
Hey! I'm a producer, engineer and musical director from sunny Brisbane, Queensland. I have over 10 years of musical experience, having been in touring acts around Australia, been played on Australian radio stations and own a recording studio in the Fortitude Valley here in Brisbane. I can't wait to be a part of your musical projects journey!
Recent Successes
"It was great to work together with Celeste on a song. She could anticipate how I imagine the expression of her voice. She is sensitive and communicative and she works in a concentrated and timely manner. Her text is w..."
"Great communication! Great mixing!"
"Thanks Wizard. Working in this particular track was a challenge and you could complete successfully! The track became more dynamic and you could understand the purpose of the track. Thanks for the nice work,"
"Awesome and special voice! fast and extremely professional. thank you!"
"Bobby John is simply one of the best people I've worked with. From communication and revisions, to vocals and performance it's simply all around top quality. "
"Had Jonny play a horn section, and improvised a few takes. They sound great, love the energy and precision. I am very happy with the result. In addition, very quick and professional communication, quick turnaround..."
"Wow! Astrale was so responsive and patient with me in regards to bringing the mix and master for my song to life. He is no doubt one of the best to do it. 10/10 will definitely be working with him again."
"Once again, Stephen nailed it. His creativity and guitar playing is top notch. Love this guys tone. Until next time!"
"There is some confusion on my end for this project but Josh has been very patient throughout the whole process and delivered high quality mixes as always. Highly recommended and thanks Josh! "