Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with NDG
Heyy, this is Thuke here! I'm a 23 years old songwriter/producer from Rome, I work with Universal Music, Sony Music and other labels with national and international releases. I have more than 4 million streams on all my works at the moment. I love helping other people reaching their goals in music and I would like to do the same with you!
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Audio Engineer / DJ / Producer / Musician / Sexy Dude... Get in touch!
Mixing & Mastering
I am passionate about giving each track the individual attention + approach it needs to achieve that 'magic'. I take a creative + technical approach to produce high quality digital masters. My work has been championed by BBC 6's Tom Robinson, The Line of Best Fit, Mahogany, Earmilk and amassed over 90,000 plays on Spotify.
Recording high quality drum parts for your track. Specialising in rock, metal, progressive, pop & electronic.
I offer sax- & hornarrangements, saxsolos, soprano-, alto-, tenor- and baritone saxophones. Especially tenorsax in Rhythm & Blues, Rock, Pop and Blues. If asked for, I can also include session partners on trumpet, trombone for a complete horn section.
I am a certified SoundGym user. I work until you are satisfied with the result. I prefer analog plugins for rich sound.
A progressive/melodic house music producer, Been making records in this space for over 6 years. I write in Ableton using go to synths Omnisphere, Diva, Serum, Repro, Kontakt libraries along with in the box and external FX/creative plug-ins.
Recent Successes
"Roger knew exactly in which direction to take a song of mine for maximum appeal and delivered a superb production! He is a very talented and clever musician who will go that extra mile to make things happen for you! ..."
"I loved to work with Kjetil. He easily understands directives and have a real sensitivity that allows to reach the perfect emotions while singing. All the vocals are perfectly sang and recorded. I'm very happy with ..."
"It's great working with Austin. He creates such good beats and melodies to interweave with the main melody. On this project, we re-created a song we had previously done and it was great to revisit this project and be ..."
"Andres just mastered a track for me. It sounded great! And he was able to de-noise the track to get rid of a hiss in the recording. He's super professional and very communicative! Thanks, Andres."
"Emilio is an amazing guitarist! He captured the essence of the song and delivered!! I'm looking forward to working with him more. He was also professional and timely. This was my first time working with him. It certai..."
"Stephen is really amazing he is a person who will not let you leave with anything less than the best of his work. A unique experience an exceptional musician and vocalist ... I will work again with him for sure."
"Nathan is very easy to work with. Flawless communication and high audio quality delivery. Quick turn around too !"
"What a man! This could not have been a better experience for my first SoundBetter project; Killian is so intuitive that he makes this look easy. He captured the spirit of my song, bared it's soul and gave it wings - w..."