Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nightgames
Get a professionally sounding mix and master without breaking the bank. Affordable prices on my mixing and mastering services.
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National Film Award Winner for Best Music Composer Songs and Background Score for his Debut Feature Film which is presented by the President of India.
I believe in music being a message carrier not an ego booster.
Multiinstrumentalist, amateur producer, searching for a dream job.
I make my whole songs (instruments, vocals, mixing, mastering...)
Whether you need meaningful and soulful songwriting/topline, elite vocals for session style work or a vocal producer for editing/arrangement and mix, I am your dude.
J'écris des chansons d'amour, sous toute ses formes. Il n y a rien de plus inspirant que l'amour. I write love songs. There is nothing more inspiring than love.
Composer/Producer/Multi-Instrumentalist Beat-Maker for hire on prospective projects far and wide!
Multi-genre beatmaker/music producer.
Recent Successes
"Eagle I Stallion are great producers! I worked with them on a song, we started from scratch, they were on board as songwriters as well, and we have come up with an amazing track. You guys will all love it once it is o..."
"Elliot is the man, I definitely think I found my go-to engineer to polish my sound. Top Notch, I’ve had my song on replay since I got it back."
"Another great experience with Emma! Really easy to communicate with, reasonable turnaround times and very skilled at what she does."
"I loved working with Darren Fewins. He has that perfect voice for the EDM/POP - kind of music that I'm making; bright and crisp, in-your-face and with a hint or raspiness to go with it. Collaboration wise he's amazing..."
"Another great experience working with Angelo"
"Second time working with Jakey. Great vocal performances mixed with creativity and attention to details"
"Adam is so talented and knows exactly what each of my songs needs just from a few notes, and even takes them places that I never would have though to go. Highly recommend!"