Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with WLDFLOW3R
Get a professionally sounding mix and master without breaking the bank. Affordable prices on my mixing and mastering services.
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Digital recording studio in southern Milan, Italy, dedicated to recording and music production at 360°. Owned and operated by sound engineer Stefano C. Bedini, it offers good acoustic working environment, Neve Genesys console, quality analog gear, mics & converters, and everything you need to record, edit, mix, postproduce and master your tracks.
Adrenalin a.k.a Joshua a 25-year-old EDM Producer/DJ takes pride in taking his music from one extreme to the next through great Melodic and festival style bass thumping music.
A belting, emotive singer-songwriter, specializing in pop, R&B, & country providing vocals and songwriting, along with basic demo production for those on a budget :)
The Rap game changes every 10 years from fashion to the flow! Take your tracks to the next level with NEW SOUND. 2020 is the time for Artist like yourself to be releasing consistently dope music to top of the line instrumentals.
So good at mixing and mastering I've got a certificate for it.
Unlabeled Music is a full-service audio engineering and production facility located in the heart of Kansas City's Westport Entertainment District. As Kansas City's leading recording studio and production house, we have 9 engineers and producers on staff ready to meet your professional recording needs in our two industry-standard recording studios.
Recent Successes
"Great singer who is comfortable in a variety of styles. Look forward to working with her again."
"I’m so glad I’m in contact with Jordan. Track after track , he always nails the right vibe with professionalism and creativity. I can’t wait to work together again. "
"Working with Alanna was a great experience! She's definitely one of the best singers out there! "
"It’s been my dream to work with Dakari, he legit produced some of my favorite albums/singles of all time! The work he did for me is amazing! Can’t wait for the next time working together."
"Shelby has such a strong, beautiful voice with a nice range! During the project, she taught me songwriting techniques from a singer’s perspective which will be very helpful for me in future projects. Shelby wrote amaz..."
"I wanted to find a guitar player able to create textures and harmonies on one of my track with an Ebow. Jan did it so beautifully I cannot thank him enough. His sound is unique and he is so easy to work with! Strongly..."
"Probably one of the best choices ever! If you need a banger.. with Jaimes is eaaasy!"
"Deza is an absolute pro. I gave a little direction if what I was thinking and she provided that and more. She put her spin on it which was even better than I was thinking. If you need a Vocalist, get yourself one like..."