Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Olympic Concert
I have arranged / orchestrated Disney film concert scores, with over 500 orchestral real live performances. You can listen to / watch the shows on Apple Music and Disney+. Also, my original commercial compositions include Mercedes Benz, Audi, etc. Please visit my website and ask me for viewing / listening to my arrangements.
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ARTICEL is a passion; an obsession for top quality lyrics that will last for generations. I believe the power of a song is determined by it's lyrical content and that each line is a declaration of the artist's self perception.
I am a freelance audio engineer / producer with over 24 years experience in audio production. I have extensive experience in music recording and mixing, audio production and live sound reinforcement. [FOH, Monitors, touring] I have been fortunate to travel the world to support the work of some of the very best artists in the music industry.
I can create any song Any genre Specialize in Hip hop/Rnb/Pop/ some country Let’s make a HIT RECORD !
I can play anything you want on guitar. If you need guitar parts written or just simply to be played, I'm your guy. I also have plenty of experience writing songs as well as recording vocals. My genre is Rock n' Roll. If you want the best, come to me.
Classically trained to Grade 8 in Piano and Bass guitar - Performed at many concerts and festivals - Prolific with Logic Pro X - Wide listening repertoire so can help with any genre needed - Happy to help.
I am a singer songwriter top liner who is well versed in various singing styles and genres. I’m classically trained and have been on Elton John, Stevie Wonder and Kanye West albums.
Specializing in the treatment of vocals and low frequencies. Focused in the style of "Urban" "Rap" "Trap" "Dance.
Recent Successes
"Another amazing song done with zaro!! He was so professional , fast and extremely patient with me! He’s by far one of the best on this site. I cannot wait to release my amazing new song this summer !! "
"Another awesome song done with Chad. Thank you!"
"Always a pleasure to get Brittany's tracks!"
"Jason was and is a true musician and excellent session musician. I would recommend him highly he is not only gifted artistically but an administrative professional."
"Ryan exceeded my expectations this time! I had just one small idea for the chorus and he smashed out a great song in record time! Such a great guy to work with. Always love working with Ryan!"
"You never know until you try. I’m glad I gave my song to you Josh. Now I believe that you worked with Sam Smith and all of those people. Your mixing, smoothness is mind blowing."
"If you're an EDM producer, you'll all know. Robbie is already an amazing singer. He always shows amazing singing skills and he has to become more famous. I'm looking forward to his next work with Robbie✨💫"