Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with OMG I'M BEING KILLED
I will help you create/produce your song. Competitive pricing for professional mixes Lots of experience with multiple genres 6+ years of production knowledge Access to many industry standard plugins like Omnisphere and Melodyne and many more
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I'm not scared to tackle anything. In house studio. Fast turnaround.
Knowledge of movie scores Profound knowledge of various music styles and genres like Pop, Rock, Hip Hop, Jazz, Classical, Techno Designing and managing music programming projects Ability to work for flexible hours.
From Tokyo's fantastical futurism & New York City's gritty art-music scene, llghtchlld's music is a synesthetic swirl of sound. llghtchlld has worked on Hollywood and indie film soundtracks, including Boots Riley's "Sorry To Bother You" (2018), Russian American (2018) starring FKA Twigs, and Forty Year Old Version(2020) on Netflix
Providing emotive, passionate, and atmospheric content. My style is modern, driven by emotion, with the ability to perform soft and serene, or with raw punch, previously described as 'ethereal punk'.
Professional Drum Tracks for Songwriters, Musicians and Producer. Remote Drum Recording Service
Need someone to make you the perfect song? HEM is here to make your dreams come true! No matter the genre, HEM can make any song you need at an affordable price--not to mention fast service, too! She also pre-makes songs and sells them, too. Although with less than a year of experience, HEM has made many songs so far and always works with quality.
My main goal is to produce a sound that blends the ideas of the producer, label, and artist for each individual project. I'm always looking for a finished product that best represents your vision.
Recent Successes
"Zachary has done a great job. Thank you for working with us!"
"This was our 2nd time using Rob to mix songs for our artist and he did a great job. The artist and producer for the songs mixed are very specific with how they want the music to sound and Rob brought that out and exce..."
"Another one down :O) GEFX and as the last one's GREAT job! "
"HYTCH is SUCH a joy to work with. This collab required some delicate and warm piano orchestration and HVTCH knocked it out of the park, as always. Highly recommend."
"Dom is so reliable and helpful throughout the whole process of bringing a song together. He's super skilled and creative and always goes out of his way to get the track exactly how you want it. Amazing communication ..."
"This was my first time working with David and it was a great experience. I look forward to working on more projects with him in the future. "
"I am forever grateful to have worked with 40th Street Studios. Revised two songs in a timely fashion and was completely impressed with the amount of precision delivered upon my requests. Any adjustments made to my son..."
"Professional. Would work with her again. "
"Jon is quick, efficient, and adaptive when it comes to music production. He’s an incredibly versatile producer who takes your influences into consideration and adds new, interesting songs to your songs. I had the priv..."