Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with orginial songs
Multi-genre Songwriter & Singer. After decades of writing, performing and recording original songs; soundtracking for global brands and short films, I am looking to write, sing, and collaborate for hire. Super experienced lyricist and topliner (melodies and lyrics), strong lead vocal within Pop to Americana.
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Being in audio engineering for over decade and working with different styles, I'm able to achieve a highest level of quality in almost every aspect you need. Composing, arranging, orchestrating, mixing, mastering or tuning vocals.
multinstrumentalist music producer specialises in guitars and world instruments
I can provide
I'm a session bass player with over ten years of experience dedicated to giving you the best bass lines that will leave a lasting impression on your listeners for years to come.
I am versatile singer and producer who is into Rnb, Afrobeat, Afropop, Amapiano and House Music
Transforming your creative ideas, blending and delivering them to your listeners as seamlessly as possible. Editing, Producing, Mixing, mastering, FOH and Monitors- David does it all.
The people call me "The Space Man" because of the depth of my mixing and all the records that i work, i put my own shape to sounds and make them 3d.
I have a trained mezzo-soprano transgender voice suitable for goth, darkwave, and other styles and am available to sing on your projects. My voice doesn't really sound like anybody else's and might be the differentiation you are looking for with your song.
Recent Successes
"Wonderful Playing, Professional Recordings, very quick and easy to communicate with. Amazing value for money. "
"It was so much fun and wonderful to work with Tonee. Totally perfect result, great editing. He gave so much effort to get the best. I'm totally happy and looking forward for the next projects. Highly recommended!!! Mu..."
"What a fabulous producer & Engineer! Fabio took my song to the next level and made it sound incredible. The recording takes I sent him weren’t the best, but he put some magic in it and now we’ve got a hit!! I’m usual..."
"Had the chance to do a song/mix with Craig Ross. I can say he's an exceptionally talented mix engineer with a creative approach. The song turned out extraordinarily well. He took great care in planning and listenin..."
"Once you've done one job with Ariel, you know that you have to do every release for the end of time with him. Nothing short of excellent and undoubtedly the friendliest guy you can work with. Once again, I CANNOT RECO..."
"Anna is a great singer that really worked in my feedback right away. If you give her reference tracks and clearly communicate what you need, she will def help you. She also told me that she would do as many review..."
"Stefan did an amazing job on my song. It is a vocally challenging number but he nailed it with plenty of feeling and dynamics. No revisions required which says it all! Stefan was very professional and friendly throug..."