Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pablo Ilabaca
Ingeniero de Grabación, Mezcla, Artista Sonoro from Chile. 15 años de experiencia
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More providers:
www.soundcell.de www.artistsignal.com/soundcell www.local-heroes.de/bandinfo/soundcell
Let me help you take your mixes into the future with a Dolby Atmos/ Spatial Audio Mix.
Techno & Tech House Producer
27years old singer-songwriter.
International Recording Artist, and songwriter. I also rap and produce a bit. Check out www.NikiDarling.com To see my work or search any my name on any platform
Emotive bass/baritone singer, whatever the genre or lyric, I have the experience to show real feeling in my singing.
Are you having trouble finding the words to your next hit song? Are you looking for a new flavor to add your style? I’m Rico Barre and i’m the guy you need! Hit Me Up Today
As it sounds in your head, I´ll put it on your speakers.
Recent Successes
"Rob's become my go-to mix engineer. This latest project was my favourite work of his to date - I was absolutely blown away with the result! I've found that he's especially excellent at absorbing feedback between revis..."
"Another great vocal track by Scott. He sings with so much emotion. Scott sends the perfect vocal track every time. All I have to do is insert and hit play. Sounds amazing!"
"I've had the opportunity to work with Wes on many projects now and doing so is always a pleasure! He is a brilliant artist and brings authenticity, precision and emotion to every project. I hope to work with him on ..."
"Arthur is fantastic producer. Great experience working with him. He went into my world and together we created great, true music thanks to Arthur’s outstanding production skills and artistic understanding. Highly rec..."
"Very cool master ! We did it again !"
"My first job with Matt was an absolute dream. He was warm, professional and attentive + efficient, communicative and technically proficient with great taste! As soon as the song was finished, I hired him to mix + mast..."
"I just finished my third collaboration with Lydia and I'm running out of superlatives to describe her extraordinary talents, both as a vocalist and pianist. She can sing and play any style and nails a tune right from ..."
"R- Low was great to work with! He understood clearly what i was looking for and was so easy to work with when i asked for changes then provided exactkly what i was looking for. Highly reccomend! "