Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rhook Castle
Tracks featured on UK TV, BT Sport and Netflix. Tracks featured on BBC Radio 1, BBC Introducing and Radio X and member of The Clause, a project which has gained over 4 million streams, a live agency deal with Wasserman Booking Agency and track deal with Universal Music Group.
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I'm a musician and a composer. I've been mixing and arranging songs for over 9 years. I'm a multi-instrumentalist and can produce any type of music from different genre. I specialize in cover, background music, music arrangement, music composition and audio editing services. You can check my music here https://soundcloud.com/ronaldborjic
Analog valve mixer. Analog equipment for mix and mastering. Top audio demo! Neumann and Schoeps microphones. Yamaha grand piano. Analog tape with Studer recorder and Dolby A/SR analog noise reduction. Top Audio engineer with a lot of experience, graduate musician too. Professional Recording room.
Call me If you need high-speed rap, smooth dreamy chant, heartbreaking or sexy whispering. I can demo your project or write a great song also making your ideas come true. Jamming is my religion!
I am a professional cellist with a passion for creativity and collaboration. I've worked with bands including Everything Everything, Slow Readers Club, Palace, Island, Cherry Ghost... I can improvise and write my own unique cello parts for your music, or read from pre-written scores, depending on your project.
Krishna is a Indian sound engineer & music producer based in Chennai. He has been working with some of the best artists and producers in the music business. Krishna's runs his own Music Studio, Contrabass Music Studios, this is one of the top class studio in India with the high-end gear and sounding.
I'll turn your idea into a unique produced song with a retro touch
Composer with many skills from making easy house beat to difficult orchestral arrangement. Experienced in producing soundtracks for movies.
Producer based in Brisbane, Australia with over 10+ years experience making many genres (Pop, EDM, Hip/Hop RNB and have worked with multiple artists who have had songs hit charts
Recent Successes
"Perfect job for a fair price, didn't even needed touched up ! "
"I have been very happy to collaborate with Camille, on this first Jazzy song. In addition to her beautiful voice (and her kindness), she is very professional, and you can be certain she will sing your music as you r..."
"Winnie worked fast with my project and helped me get some rhythm proposal for my outlined lyrics for the track. This gave me also a cuple of ideas for the melody. Great experiance! "
"Second song finished with Arthur.....A++"
"With close to 1000 positive reviews, what more can be said?! Exceptional person with exceptional quality of work and understanding of his art. Will book again and recco for you to do the same!"
"I had a perfect experience working with ZDimention. I gave him total freedom in the realisation of a chorus. His realisation was done promptly and hit the right vibe for my taste. Thanks a lot for the great final tou..."