Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Samuel Gonzales
Session guitarist and arranger, I have recorded for artists such as: Amenazzy, Alex Zurdo, Ariel Ramirez, Rose Mateo, Leo Kraz, Yailin la mas viral, Joel Germoso, Lo'Primo, Jingles Publicitarios.
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| Composer | Multi Instrumentalist | Record Engineer | Mixing Engineer | Mastering Engineer | Live Engineer | Singer of Pobeda, Drummer of Dance Layers of the Atmosphere, Guitarrist & Composer at Laps Around The Sun and brains at Third Rome. Based at DTH Studios Moscow ((www.dthstudios.com))
I am a Producer, Songwriter, Sound Designer, and Mixing & Mastering Engineer who has worked on records for Circus Records, Dim Mak, Artist Intelligence Agency. I have remixed tracks from artists like Dua Lipa, Morgan Page, Dr. Meaker, MAX, and Twenty One Pilots.
Musicproducer from Denmark, my expertise is Hip Hop, Trap and Rnb. I have been working with and released stuff in most urban genres from dark simple trap beats to smooth organic stuff with live instruments and samples.
Godrej New Plots Project in Faridabad
A passionate and dedicated lyricist, melody writer, and vocalist who will nail your vision!
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My specialty is live recordings but also mix studio projects in stereo and Dolby Atmos. Over 20 Years experience working with many of the world's top artists, along with winning 1st place twice in the International Songwriting Competition makes me confident I can bring magic to any project. I've also won an Emmy!
Recent Successes
"It was my first time working with a professional singer-songwriter and Wes was very kind to me. His voice is pretty cool, it fits perfect to my song. The final result is amazing!"
"Fun and very easy to work with. Extremely patient and highly receptive to feedback. "
"Michael was extremely communicative and professional! He was accommodating for my project and timeline from beginning to end; and delivered a phenomenal final product. Thanks for everything!"
"Michelle is great...professional in every aspect. Don't hesitate."
"Awesome guy with a huge talent!! This is what we call "being professional". Five stars cause we can just give him five stars...! Top level!"
"Dennis did an awesome mastering job with my track. He brought it to a professional level and I couldn't be happier with the end result. Working and communication with Dennis was great. He gave some very necessary f..."
"He was really dedicative, honest, creative professional vocal. No doubt with his singing skill. Even under the urgent schedule, he finished the project on time, and he's attitude was so nice. I'm sure I'll will wor..."
"Myrah always comes through with dope vocals with a lotta soul, she is truly a superstar!!!"