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San Miguel de Tucumán Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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NJ based Singer, Mixer, Producer, and multi-instrumentalist.
I am an electronic Music Producer, DJ and Mix Engineer
Professional & brutal sounding metal tracks
Toplines for several major producers, including songwriting, track & vocal recording, editing and basic mixing.
Tell me what you want and I can Write it
Super fast, dynamic, multi-genre and "tailoring" 26-years-old producer, mixing and mastering engineer from Italy, in my career I've achieved great goals as independent artist (before signed to 2-Dutch and Strange Fruits) with my pop-electronic project WAMI - such as reaching global "New Music Friday" without a label, just hard work and passion.
Recent Successes
"Aubrey is a wonderful producer and person to work with. Not only was she extremely patient and dedicated, but she also knew exactly what I was going for and the final product is amazing. I am looking forward to making..."
"Awesome, awesome, awesome. He actually listens to what you want for your song, critiques, etc and does exactly that - but better. Looking forward to using him for all my projects."
"Alex mastered another two tracks very well and was open to try out a couple of alternative versions for me. Very good communication, will contact again!"
"I can always trust Riley to master my work. Always understands what I'm going for with amazing turnaround speed and amazing work."
"Fast communication and quality delivery!"
"Despite Jzam was sick at the moment I contact him Jzam still worked on the project once recovered he recorded and gave me an insane result ! He was honest, professional and updated me as much as he could you definit..."
"Riley is an absolute pleasure to work with. Super responsive, he always gets back to my proposals immediately, and turns around the final version of my mastered tracks so quick. This last song literally took less than..."
"Really amazing and impressive what Mike does with horn layering and recording! You really get a big horn section sound here and interpretation of phrases is really dead on. Timely delivery as well - thanks so much!"