Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Seashell Radio
Hi! I'm a classically trained cellist with 20 years of experience recording with indie pop, Americana, and chamber folk bands. I've recorded at some notable studios (Tarbox, Wavelab, Sacred Heart) and am as comfortable creating/composing parts as I am reading them off the page.
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Recording/mixing engineer, and music producer. 10 years of experience. Helping artists to make their music much better for a while.
Session Guitarist/Beatmaker-producer/Songwriter-arranger
I can be your musical note, they never see.
So you've got this incredible idea...But you need someone to snatch that beautiful invention out of the ether and pull it down to reality. From guitar parts to full-scale productions, I am here to take your musical dreams to highest level possible.
Multi-talented musician and producer based in Manchester, UK. Killer vocals, keys, and bass skills. Collaborating with renowned artists worldwide. Stay tuned for mind-blowing projects!
I'm a 30 years old Beatmaker, Songwriter and Music Producer. I have 12 years of experience in the music industry. Working with all genres, Pop, Country, R&B, Trap, House, Reggaeton and more.Also I have the pleasure to work as film composer and work for Bleeding Fingers.
Recent Successes
"I'm so impressed with Eyal! He totally understood what I was after with my track - I gave some ideas of what I was after and he has totally got it! Not only that but he has recorded it so cleanly, it sounds brilliant...."
"Kelly is an amazing multi-instrumentalist and one-person horn section! We added a full horn section to a project we’d started working on previously, and the sound was incredible. Really well composed, performed and re..."
"Michelle is incredible. I have never been more happy with a collaboration. "
"Absolute pleasure working with Lev! He is such a talented artist with an incredible voice and he was so easy to communicate with...very prompt with his responses and I will absolutely be working with him again! "
"Definitely satisfied with the track! Thank you so much! Great producer, great comunication 100% recommended"
"Excelente trabajo! Andrés logró abrir el sonido de la mezcla a un punto en que sientes como si la canción te abrazara! Se logró mucha claridad en el sonido, claridad en cada uno de los elementos de la canción. "
"James is an absolute pro and an amazing musician and vocalist. I would definitely love to work with him again. Warmly recommended."
"Did a wondeful mix and master collab with Fred. He did a great job. He was very patient and kind in all comunications. No need to hesitate, if you need a guy who know his trade, this is the guy."
"Return client going for song nr 4 now. Kenny is a gentle genius. He turns any idea into magic. Super happy and grateful to be working with Kenny. The best!"
"Can't say enough good things about Nick -- produced an absolute HIT, in fluent Japanese no less. Book without hesitation, you're in excellent hands."
"Can't get enough of SUVI's creativity and vocals. Second banger in the works and can't wait for more."