Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Swaye Teno
Do you need a song mixed and mastered but on a budget? Look no further. Di Lab Sounds grants you the best quality services for YOUR price with unmatched turn-around time. Get your songs mixed by the pros TODAY!
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Mixed the album "There's No Leaving Now" with The Tallest Man On Earth.
My name's Dan and I'm a session guitarist, bassist and producer. I'd be happy to help with your next track or album, whether it be recording, mixing or doing those mundane tasks in sound editing that need to get done.
Collaboration makes us better individuals.
I'm a music producer who has had support from artists Whipped Cream, GG Magree, and DNMO. I've Also done official remixes for artists Two Friends and Joey Burbs. I produce a unique blend of pop music and electronic elements.
Complete Wills is a law firm founded in 1999 by Jim Goddard, Trust & Estate Practitioner (TEP) specializing in Will writing & probate services in the UK. Now, with a team of dedicated estate staff with years of experience, Complete Wills offers various services including Will writing, probate & estate administration, lasting power of attorney.
Mixing and adding production to songs using high-end analog compressors and tube EQ. I have an extensive list of plugins and also real instruments such as wurlitzer, Rhodes, Moog, Oberheim and Roland keyboards as well as a 50's Everett piano to help fill in arrangements.
"FROLOV PRŌD." - label & creative agency. Started in 2015. Web: www.frolovprod.com Management info and licence: info@frolovprod.com
I am skilled in production, mixing and mastering and recording engineering. Over 200k plays across all platforms for my personal music.
Recent Successes
"Justine is a remarkable melodists and I highly doubt that is where her musical talents end. John"
"He is not only skilled but also very flexible with unusual genres and communicative and very kind person to work with! it was a great experience and would like to meet him with my future projects. truly the best choice!"
"Darren is a very talented singer, and brought my song back to life after considering dumping it. Great quality as well"
"What an amazing journey with Philip! A new big milestone finalized and excellent production and mixing work as always! Thank you Philip!"
"Another positive experience with Andres. His finesse is undeniable. Thanks again Andres"
"Love working with Eddie and this song was no exception!! We always end up making something awesome. It's nothing but an absolute pleasure to work with Eddie! Looking forward to the next one! "
"Another one down! This is the 8th song we have done together and it just gets better every time. Mr Mig is an artist and technical guru. I pay homage to the master!"
"Sara is one of the most talented people I've had the pleasure of working with! She's extremely professional, and the quality of the work is top-tier. Highly recommend! "
"Working with Krysta was absolutely fantastic! Very talented and professional. The BEST! I look forward to do more songs together ^^"