Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Coffin Daggers
Analog recording at affordable rates!
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Hello! My artistic name is Alexander Blu. I was born on 27 December 1966 in Novi Sad, Serbia. I started dealing with music when I was very young. From the very beginning I was interested mostly in composing, so that my first song was composed already at the age of 10.
HI, I'm a french Sound Engineer, working at Live acoustic company. I like all kind of music. Studio and Live performance.
Unique, Youthful, and Diverse Sound
Phil is a highly experienced electric bass player with over 30 years gigging and recording experience.
Rapper and producer who made tracks like "Jungle Raj" and "Mazda RX-7". Been making and mixing music since twelve years of age, and is great company for smoking up.
ig - Tnmld_official
I'm a singer, songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist and my work has been heard all over the world on the radio, on TV, in movies, and stadium sporting events.
Our projects have gained more than 350,000,000 + streams on Spotify. We have worked with the most famous musicians and labels such as Sony Music, Spinnin Records, Universal Music, etc.
Recent Successes
"Caroline has a beautiful, operatic voice, which was perfect for my project. She was eager to get it right and utterly professional in her approach. She managed my expectations with regard to lead time and her quick tu..."
"Fab my friend, you deliver and deliver with top 10 international world-class keys. Perfect hook lines and a feeling and understanding for the song. 10 points"
"Michael was great to work with. He communicated clearly and quickly, he sent the tracks back in a short timeframe, and his piano/mic setup sounds amazing!"
"Recurring client of Beefy - and for a reason. Always on time; always great input and always dedicated to delivering the best, possible result to make you - the client - happy. Highly recommended!"
"What can I say, this guy plays an incredible Sax. It's the second time I work with Emma, and.........SUPER !!!! Great feeling, fast, super Sound, super Kind...and 150 % professional. 5 Stars are not enough :-)"
"Pablo did a great job mixing my song. He was very patient and helped ensured all small details were addressed."
"Trabajar con Riosse ha sido una experiencia increible que ha elevado mi musica a otro nivel. Su capacidad para entender y dar vida a mis ideas musicales con una ejecucion brillante es excepcional! Capturo mi visión co..."