Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Universal Domestic Pop
Gold certified vocalist, songwriter, and vocal producer based in Berlin. I've collaborated with top artists and producers across genres and languages, bringing versatility and a unique sound to every project. :)
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#1 singles. Numerous top ten hits worldwide. >120 million YouTube views.
Do Producing
No ego here, just ears ready to listen, and hands ready to deliver. I'd love to mix and master your house of worship, pop, or electronic track! I also loooooove making remixes. Whatever your project is, my only goal is to make your track sound the absolute best it can be. Let's make something magical that you'll be proud of
They say music makes the world go round.
Lets create your HIT!!! I have placements with the Starz network on shows Power and The Chi being a songwriter. I'm also an audio engineer that truly loves being an all around creative. I graduated from SAE Institute with my associates degree for audio engineering in 2018 so I have great understanding of the technical side in music as well.
Dream / Indie Pop vocalist for "Seru". Influences like Billie Eilish, "Grimes", Will Wisenfield from "Baths" and Geotic". My vocals are strong, haunting and dark, or light and airy depending on the song. My genre's are mostly Indie Pop, Dream Pop, Indie Electronic and Chill Wave.
Your visions, my sound.
Recent Successes
"Another fine project completed by Jonah. He is very creative and I am very happy with the results. I look forward to working with him again."
"I’ve now worked with Jon on 3 songs, and he’s been consistently great. He’s committed to making a musical contribution that enhances a song and a mix. He’s a team player and a creative force. Deepest recommendation. "
"Marcelo is an absolute MASTER on percussion , He always knows exactly what a track needs for that extra depth and contrast. If you are needing a world class Musician then look no further than Marcelo . Until next ti..."
"It was a pleasure to work with Orcun he have surprised me with high skill in mixing and mastering. He is very talented it was my first gig with him .. and im sure that i will work with him again !!"
"This is our not the first and definitely not the last project! It is always very pleasant to work: calmly, professionally and confident. I always feel a special attitude to all moments and details important to me. Tha..."
"This is the second time I cooperate with Lori Peters. I asked to record bass simultaneously with the drums and Lori together with Chris did a great job! They are professionals. Production is great, the sound is clear,..."
"Molly has such a great voice, its hard not to have great results. She is timely with the work too, helps with deadlines."