Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Wendigos en Camisas
Experienced indie/folk/rock/pop mixing engineer and music producer with over 15 years of full commitment to the craft.
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Specialize in creating Pop/Rock and music for Film/Tv
Recording, Mixing, Mastering and Production Studio based in Corbeil-Essonnes, France
Chef musician. I do music like I am cooking it. I cook the music. The music taste better, different but delicious.
Make groove not kirpich
McCargo Music is a music service and publishing company offering services ranging from Mixing and Mastering to Songwriting and Vocal Session work.
I give your song a warm, analog touch with Piano- and Bassline Melodies, Mixing and Sounddesign
Pop Producer & Beatmaker with over 140,000 subscribers on YouTube.
Specialized in Game audio, music, sfx and dynamic audio systems. Worked with renowned film composer "Antônio Pinto' (City of God), did the Soundtrack for the children animation Baby Dino and some other animations as well as the soundtrack to the cult short film Urubutsin. Currently making the soundtrack for the "Ila: A frosty glide" game.
Recent Successes
"Rudiger is an amazing talent! I had an Indie Folk song that needed a special touch to take it to the next level. Rudiger did the trick! The result is magic! He read my mind and then added his unique flare! I couldn..."
"I asked Brian to tackle a rather personal and difficult track and he nailed it per usual. Always a pleasure working with him! "
"Isaac is one of the fastest and most efficient people I've ever worked with. He got my mix sounding exactly how I wanted, and was so easy to work with. I'd definitely recommend him."
"Nice and fast work .. next release again with u my men !!! "
"Jasmin is amazin and will provide a fresh breeze and perspective to your tune. If you need help writing lyrics. Look no further! ✍️🌊🎙️"
"My session with RJ was amazing. He was super professional and made use of every hour, knowing exactly what to do with the time we had so that we meet our goal for the track. I highly recommend working with him! "
"Third time Nate helps me out with drum tracks for my songs. Once again great stuff delivered and he directly understands what I am looking for."
"I always love working with CeeJ. Her background vocals are second to none. She has a very elegant and beautiful singing style. I like to give her a lot of creative freedom on my tracks, and her creativity shines th..."
"Absolute pro and killer mix engineer. Took the song to the next level. Radio ready. Thanks JS."